Alan probably had a boating holiday—either on the Norfolk Broads, or at Bosham on Chichester Harbour.
He also stayed for a while with the Beuttells in London.
Although Mr Beuttell in principle espoused liberal causes of feminism and profit-sharing, his own firm was run on strictly autocratic lines, and so was his family.
Victor's younger brother Gerard was studying physics at Imperial College, but his father was extremely annoyed that he spent his time flying model aeroplanes to investigate wind currents, and put a stop to his studies.
Alan was furious to hear this, saying that Gerard had a contribution to make to science, and was doubly upset because he respected his father.
He also roared with approval when he heard that Gerard had told his father, in connection with his infringing some petty rule of the family firm, that he would only obey 'sensible rules'.
It was also in London that Alan met James again for a weekend.
They stayed at a rather sordid bed-and-breakfast place near Russell Square.
They went to see a film or two and Elmer Rice's play Judgment Day about the Reichstag fire trial.
Alan must have found it a relief to be with someone who did not reject his sexual advances, although it was always clear that James aroused in him neither deep feelings, nor a special physical attraction. The relationship was not able to develop beyond this point.
After this weekend, James had almost no further experience for about twelve years.
Although Alan was more exploratory, this would be his story too.