Riemann's work had put this question into a quite different form.
He had defined a certain function of the complex numbers, the 'zeta-function'.
It could be shown that the assertion that the error terms remained so very small, was essentially equivalent to the assertion that this Riemann zeta-function took the value zero only at points which all lay on a certain line in the plane.
This assertion had become known as the Riemann Hypothesis.
Riemann had thought it Very likely' to be true, and so had many others, but no proof had been discovered.
In 1900 Hilbert had made it his Fourth Problem for twentieth century mathematics, and at other times called it 'the most important in mathematics, absolutely the most important'.
Hardy had bitten on it unsuccessfully for thirty years.
This was the central problem of the theory of numbers, but there was a constellation of related questions, one of which Alan picked for his own investigation.
The simple assumption that the primes thinned out like the logarithm, without Riemann's refinements to the formula, seemed always to overestimate the actual number of primes by a certain amount.
Common sense, or 'scientific induction', based on millions of examples, would suggest that this would always be so, for larger and larger numbers.