At the time, it was a very striking and surprising fact, that three independent approaches to the idea of doing something in a definite way, had converged upon equivalent concepts.
The second project concerned the 'new ideas in logic' for a doctoral thesis.
The basic idea was to see if there was any way in which to escape the force of Gdel's result that there would always be true but unprovable assertions within arithmetic.
This was not a new question, for Rosser, now at Cornell, had produced a paper16 in March 1937 which took it up.
But Alan planned a rather more general attack on the question.
His third project was a very ambitious one, for he had decided to try his strength on the central problem of the theory of numbers.
It was not a new interest, for he had possessed Ingham's book on the subject since 1933.
But in 1937 Ingham sent him some recent papers, on learning that he wished to make an attack himself.
It was ambitious because the question he chose was one that had long absorbed and defeated the greatest pure mathematicians.
Although the prime numbers were such ordinary things, it was easy to pose quite baffling questions about them in a few words.