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It is 10pm in the Madrid neighbourhood ofLa Latina, one of the city’s oldest areas, and the cobbled streets thrum withthe sounds of people enjoying plates of gambas al ajillo (garlicprawns) and cocido Madrile?o (a hearty chickpea, pork and chorizostew). Restaurants are bustling at an hour when, in most other countries, chefswould be hanging up their aprons for the night.

夜晚10点,在马德里附近的拉·拉提那——马德里最古老的区域之一,卵石铺就的街道上回荡着人们享用Gambas al ajillo(蒜蓉大虾)和cocido Madrile?o (一种量很大的鹰嘴豆、猪肉和口利佐香肠做成的炖菜)时欢乐的杯盘撞击声。在这个时间段,马德里的餐馆里人头攒动,而在其他大部分国家,餐馆大厨们已经把围裙挂起来下班了。
While travellers might attribute Spain’slate mealtimes to the country’s laidback Mediterranean attitude, the realreason is a little more peculiar. Spaniards are living in the wrong time zone,and have been for more than 70 years.
Spain goes by Central European Time,putting it in sync with Serbia (Credit: Facto Foto/Getty)
西班牙采用欧洲中央时间,与塞尔维亚同步(版权:Facto图片/Getty )
Glance at a map and you’ll realise thatSpain – sitting, as it does, along the same latitude as the UK, Portugal andMorocco – should be in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). But Spain goes by CentralEuropean Time (CET), putting it in sync with the Serbian capital Belgrade, morethan 2,500km east of Madrid.
So why are Spaniards living behind theirgeographic time zone?
In 1940, General Francisco Franco changedSpain’s time zone, moving the clocks one hour forward in solidarity with NaziGermany.
For Spaniards, who at the time were utterlydevastated by the Spanish Civil War, complaining about the change did not evencross their minds. They continued to eat at the same time, but because theclocks had changed, their 1pm lunches became 2pm lunches, and they weresuddenly eating their 8pm dinners at 9pm.
After World War II ended, the clocks werenever changed back. However, in 2016, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy announced that thegovernment was working on a plan to implement a new workday schedule ending at6pm as opposed to 8pm. One important element of the plan was uating thepossibility of changing Spain’s time zone from CET to GMT – something that hassparked a heated discussion throughout the country.
With work days ending at 8pm, Spaniardssave their social lives for the late hours (Credit: Stefano PolitiMarkovina/Alamy)
工作在晚上8点结束,西班牙人把社交活动留给了深夜(版权:Stefano Politi Markovina/Alamy)
Being 60 minutes behind the correct timezone means the sun rises later and sets later, bestowing Spain with gloriouslylong summer evenings and 10pm sunsets. Those who run Spain’s tourist resortsbelieve that more sunlight is a large draw for visitors. The regionalgovernment of the Balearic Islands ? which includeMallorca, Menorca and Ibiza ? is strongly againstreturning to GMT and has even campaigned to maintain year-round summer time(CET+1) to allow visitors to take full advantage of the region’s mild winter climate.
But for many Spaniards, living in the wrongtime zone has resulted in sleep deprivation and decreased productivity. Thetypical Spanish work day begins at 9am; after a two-hour lunch break between 2and 4pm, employees return to work, ending their day around 8pm. The laterworking hours force Spaniards to save their social lives for the late hours.Prime-time television doesn’t start until 10:30pm.
Meanwhile, in the northwestern region ofGalicia, the sun doesn’t rise until after 9am in winter, meaning that residentsare starting their day in the dark.
The time difference results in long summerevenings and 10pm sunsets (Credit: PhotoStock-Israel/Alamy)
错误的时区划分使夏季夜晚变长,太阳在晚上10点落山(版权: PhotoStock-Israel/Alamy)
“The fact that the time in Spain doesn’tcorrespond to the sun affects health, especially sleep,” said José Luis Casero,president of the National Commission for the Rationalization of SpanishSchedules, an organisation that has been campaigning for Spain to return to thecorrect time zone since 2006. “If we changed time zones, the sun would rise onehour earlier and we’d wake up more naturally, meal times would be one hourearlier and we’d get an extra hour’s sleep.”
Spaniards have traditionally coped withtheir late nights by taking a mid-morning coffee break and a two-hour lunchbreak, giving them the opportunity to enjoy one of the country’s most infamoustraditions: the siesta.
Changing the workday would threatenSpaniards’ customary naptime, although whether or not citizens would mind isstill up for debate. A January 2017 study byresearch company Simple Lógica found that less than 18% of Spaniards napregularly, while nearly 60% never take a siesta. In fact, business owners inmany of the country’s major cities and holiday resorts remain open during themidday break to cater to tourists.
改变工作时间会威胁到西班牙人习惯的午睡时间,尽管人们是不是介意这一点还有待争论。一项在2017年1月由Simple Lógica公司所做的调查显示不到18%的西班牙人有午睡习惯,而将近60%的人从不午睡。事实上,在这个国家的大城市和景区的店主们在午休时间仍然营业,以便赚游客们的钱。
Meanwhile, those who do nap expressfrustration when changes in their daily routine prevent them from sleepingmid-day.
“We should really banish the siesta inSpain because it doesn’t fit with reality,” Casero said. “And with the changeof time zone bringing meal times forward and giving us an extra hour of sleep,there would be less need for a rest at midday.”


Changing the workday would threatenSpaniards’ customary siesta (Credit: Ignacio Perez Diez/Getty)

改变时区会威胁到西班牙人的午睡习惯(版权:Ignacio PerezDiez/Getty )
When it comes down to it, economist NuriaChinchilla, an expert in work-life balance at the Instituto de EstudiosSuperiores de la Empresa business school in Barcelona, feels that quality oflife for Spaniards is more pressing than preserving an extra hour or two ofevening light for tourists.
“We have continuous jetlag,” she said.“Tourism will always be there and tourists don’t care. The number of hours ofsunlight will be the same, whether it is an extra hour in the morning or in theevening.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
opposed [ə'pəuzd]


adj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗

slate [sleit]


n. 板岩,石板,石片,石板色,候选人名单 adj. 暗

solidarity [.sɔli'dæriti]


n. 团结

commission [kə'miʃən]


n. 委员会,委托,委任,佣金,犯罪

announced [ə'naunst]



glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

latitude ['lætitju:d]


n. 纬度,界限,自由选择权

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

advantage [əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]


n. 优势,有利条件
vt. 有利于





