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It takes a few changes of clothes to climbMalaysian Borneo’s Mount Kinabalu. At its peak, stone slabs offer no shelter,and its 4,095m-high altitude brings more cold than you might expect in theheart of the tropics. Further down the mountain, a thick tree canopy providesshelter, but it is a cool, misty forest that drips. And at the base is theslightly too-warm embrace of tropical rainforest.

Seemingly unfazed by the sticky humidity,market vendors in the city of Kota Kinabalu, from where most journeys up and downMount Kinabalu start, sell a variety of local foods to hikers returning fromthe summit. Amid the sizzle and clatter of food stalls and the enticing aromasof buttered prawns and barbecued fish, pouches of sticky rice in dull, mottledwrappers aren’t the type of snack that catches attention.
But this modest bite is something quiteextraordinary. Made from coconut-scented sticky rice wrapped in the traps of acarnivorous plant, the snack can be found in several countries in SoutheastAsia. But in Malaysian Borneo, that consumption of nasi pelut (whiterice) in periuk kera (pitcher plant), also known as lemangperiuk kera, is thriving.
但这种朴素的小吃实际上很特别。它是把椰汁糯米饭装入一种食肉植物的叶子制成的,在东南亚很多国家都能见到。但是在马来西亚婆罗洲,这种把nasi pelut(白米)包进periuk kera(猪笼草)的叫lemang periuk kera的小吃十分流行。
Amid the offerings at the Kota Kinabalumarket, lemang periuk kera isn’t the type of snack that catches attention(Credit: Will Steeley/Alamy)
在亚庇市的市场上,lemang periuk kera是一种不引人注目的小吃(版权:Will Steeley/Alamy )
Mount Kinabalu is one of the richestbiodiversity hotspots in the world. It is packed with life in varied forms,including some animals and plants that don’t live in the wild anywhere elsesuch as several species of carnivorous pitcher plant. These plants use avariety of techniques ? such as nectar, smells and colours ? to lure insects, and their traps deploy sheer drops, smoothsurfaces that cannot be scaled or blockades of bristles to prevent their preyfrom escaping.
Pitcher plants often appear on touristinformation leaflets as a symbol of Mount Kinabalu’s biodiversity, but inmarkets in Kota Kinabalu and across Malaysian Borneo, they are part of the richculinary culture of Malaysia’s indigenous tribes.
Dr Rachel Schwallier, lecturer at GrandValley State University Department of Biology in Michigan, was in Borneo in2012-2013 conducting research on the evolution and diversity of pitcher plants.On hearing about the use of pitcher plants in local cuisine, she expanded herwork and returned to look at the culture and heritage of edible pitcher plants.
Mount Kinabalu is one of the world’srichest biodiversity hotspots (Credit: Nora Carol Photography/Getty Images)
基纳巴鲁山是世界上物种最丰富的热点之一(版权: Nora Carol Photography/GettyImages )
Lemang periuk kera is recognised as aMalaysian heritage food that differs from other methods of cooking sticky ricebecause of the way the pitcher plant is used. To make the snack, pitchers arecleaned and filled with rice, packed upright into a steamer, covered withcoconut milk and then steamed for an hour. Cooked in this way, the naturallyglutinous texture of local sticky rice is transformed into tidycoconut-flavoured packages.
Lemang periuk kera是一种马来西亚传统食物,由于使用了猪笼草,使得它的做法跟其他烹调糯米的方法区别开来。具体做法是:将猪笼草清洗后装入糯米,直立在笼屉上,倒入椰汁,蒸一个小时。用这种方法可以将当地富有粘性的糯米自然地转变成椰子味的米包子。
One person interviewed by Schwallierdescribed eating it on a highland trek in Borneo. In the case of this meal, thelandscape provided cooking vessels as well as fuel for the fire: their tribalguides collected pitchers, coated them in mud and placed them on the coals of afire to cook the rice.
“I was lucky enough to cook the snack alongwith a tribal family in Borneo, too, and it seems that the rich flavour reallycomes from the coconut milk that the rice is steeped in, making it sweet andfull of flavour,” Schwallier said.
The pitcher plant’s unique shape is perfectfor holding rice (Credit: Barcroft/Getty Images)
猪笼草的形状让它成为盛放米饭的绝妙容器(版权:Barcroft/GettyImages )
At market stalls in Kota Kinabalu andthroughout Borneo, vendors customise their own versions: a bit of pandan leafadds fragrance, while peanut or fermented shrimp paste creates depth.
The flask-shaped pitcher plant (named forits unique shape that allows it to consume falling leaves) is ideal for holdingrice, though the common swamp pitcher plant also does the trick. One way totell one from the other is that lemang periuk keramade with the commonswamp pitcher plant can be eaten whole because the plant makes more pliable andchewable pitchers. The flask-shaped plant has pitchers that are much more likecardboard ? harder to chew but easy to peel off therice.
Sometimes, use of plants – such as theedible Curcuma candida, a flower native to Myanmar and Thailand – incooking is restricted in order to conserve them. But pitcher plants aren’t atrisk of extinction. Only the right pitcher is picked from a plant: it must besmall (but not too small), not too old or brittle. The rest of the plant isleft growing in the forest, continuing to produce more pitchers.
有时候,使用植物——例如可食用的Curcuma candida——一种缅甸和泰国当地的花朵来做饭是被明令禁止的,因为涉及到保护濒危植物。但是猪笼草不是保护植物。只有合适的猪笼草才会被采摘:尺寸必须小(但也不能太小),不能太老也不能太脆。其他猪笼草就被留下,在森林中继续生长,繁殖出更多的猪笼草。
Lemang periuk kera (white rice in pitcherplants) is a popular snack in Malaysian Borneo (Credit: Jonathan Lin/Flickr)
Lemang periuk kera(猪笼草盛白米)是马来西亚婆罗洲一种十分流行的小吃(版权:Jonathan Lin/Flickr)
In describing being taken into theforest by a family who were harvesting pitchers near the village ofKampung Duyoh in southwestern Borneo, Schwallier said: “I literally could not takea single step without crunching the pitchers below my feet – that is how wellthey carpeted the forest floor.”


Schwallier believes there is conservationvalue in the consumption of pitcher plants. “Preservation of traditional foodenhances the link that people have with their natural environment andsustainable forest practices,” she said. “Maintaining [this] connection…strengthens the value placed on local forests, which strengthens the likelihoodthat communities will call for preservation of their forest when it isthreatened by drivers of deforestation.”

In line with conservation approaches thatseek to maintain traditional plant uses, visitors to Malaysian Borneo can enjoythe taste of a food that tells a tale of people living in some of the richestforest in the world. And for hikers descending on market stalls in KotaKinabalu, a bite of unassuming lemang periuk kera is a tasty reminder of theirtrek through the forest and the exotic plants that live in it.
得益于对利用植物烹饪米饭的传统的保护,来到马来西亚婆罗洲的游客们可以吃到这种特殊的食物,它的味道代表着人们在这个世界上森林最繁茂的地区之一的生活。在亚庇市小吃市场上穿梭的驴友们会记住lemang periuk kera的味道,这种朴素的食物会让他们想起他们的旅程,以及森林里生长的奇异的异乡植物。
Pitcher plants use smells, colours andnectar to lure their prey (Credit: Goran ?afarek/Alamy)
猪笼草用味道、颜色和花蜜引诱猎物(版权:Goran ?afarek/Alamy)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fragrance ['freigrəns]


n. 香味

conservation [.kɔnsə:'veiʃən]


n. 保存,防止流失,守恒,保护自然资源

restricted [ris'triktid]


vt. 限制,约束 adj. 受限制的,有限的,保密的

chew [tʃu:]


vt. 咀嚼,嚼碎,损坏
vi. 咀嚼

tasty ['teisti]


adj. 好吃的

variety [və'raiəti]


n. 多样,种类,杂耍

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的

misty ['misti]


adj. 有雾的,模糊的,含糊的

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类





