A middle school in Guangdong Province last Wednesday announced it would halt a policy that restricted socializing between boys and girls after facing backlash from local residents and on social media.
Officials at Qingxin District No. 1 Middle School in the city of Qingyuan said they would review the rules intended to curb "undignified and uncivilized behavior" and other "abnormal relations between boys and girls," news portal ycwb.com reported.
The school had earlier said the rule included such undignified behaviors as students of different genders carrying each other's books and coats in the cafeteria or sharing lunch from the same tray.
Any infraction would be marked on their permanent records and parents would be notified, read a document posted at the school on March 8.
The rule also aimed to discourage boys and girls from exchanging presents or meeting in parks, wooded areas or dark hallways on campus, the document read.
The school is reviewing the policy, an official told media.