A 14-year-old Danish boy doing research for a history class found the wreckage of a German World War II plane with the remains of the pilot in the cockpit.
Daniel Kristiansen and his father, Klaus, discovered what's believed to be a Messerschmitt fighter plane buried in a field on their farm near Birkelse in northern Denmark.
"We went out to the field with a metal detector," Klaus Kristiansen told CNN. "I hoped we might find some old plates or something for Daniel to show in school."
Instead, they found bits of plane debris. So they borrowed an excavator from a neighbor and dug down seven or eight meters.
"At first we were digging up a lot of dirt with metal fragments in it. Then we suddenly came across bones and pieces of clothes," Kristiansen said. "It was like opening a book from yesterday."
Kristiansen remembered being told by his grandfather, who lived on the farm during World War II, that a German plane had crashed there.
"We think it was around November or December 1944," he said.
But he also said his grandfather had told him the German occupying force had removed the plane. "I mainly thought it was just a good story."
The curator at the Historical Museum of Northern Jutland, which now has the pilot's possessions and the remains of the plane, believes his team will soon be able to confirm the man's identity.
"We found the pilot's papers, and I think we have a name," Torben, curator and head of archaeology at the museum, said.