Emma Watson plays Belle, the lead in a live action adaptation of fairytale "Beauty and the Beast". The film is set for global release in March 2017, and, as per usual, a series of collectible toys has been created to accompany the film.
One doll of Watson/Belle available from American store JC Penney has delighted the internet, for all the wrong reasons.
美国零售商店JC Penney销售的一款沃森版贝尔玩偶因为种种阴差阳错而让网友乐开了花。
After doll collector William Herrington posted photos of the doll online, Disney fans have taken to social media to express their mixed feelings about the doll.
Some are distraught over Belle's shocking new look, but many have found the humor in the toy's interesting mug.
From Justin Bieber in a dress to Jennifer Garner in "Alias", online fans seem to think the Belle doll bears a resemblance to anyone but the British actress.
'When you order an Emma Watson doll online but a Justin Bieber doll in a yellow dress And a wig arrives instead.'
'Maybe this all one big bit of immersive storytelling - we all mock the doll for being beastly (or Biebstly) when what matters is its personality.'