Hurrah, she has finally done it.
Ten years ago, Lucy Kellaway told me — in hushed tones as though it were a guilty secret — that she dreamt of being a maths teacher.
10年前,露西.凯拉韦(Lucy Kellaway)告诉我——她压低了声音,好像这是个罪恶的秘密——她的梦想是当一名数学老师。
The occasion was my decision to leave the Financial Times to teach English.
I am delighted that now she too has decided to take the plunge.
I made my career change earlier — in my 40s — but I do not regret it, and I have every confidence that Lucy won’t either.
Lucy was not the only one to confess such yearnings: quite a few journalists, I discovered, hankered after a life in front of an interactive white board and wished they could be as brave as me.
But Lucy was particularly sincere and thoughtful.
Her mother, Deborah Kellaway, had been an inspirational head of English at Camden School for Girls — the actor Emma Thompson named her My Best Teacher in a column for the Times Educational Supplement.
她母亲黛博拉.凯拉韦(Deborah Kellaway)曾是卡姆登女子学校(Camden School for Girls)富有启发力的英语教学主管——演员艾玛.汤普森(Emma Thompson)在给《泰晤士报》教育副刊(Times Educational Supplement)写的一篇专栏文章中称她为我最好的老师。
Lucy gave me some advice about what made her mother so adored: She was open to the girls’ ideas.
She made them feel clever and original.
It was advice I took to heart and it turned out to be easy to follow.
One of the most rewarding things about teaching is that teenagers really do make original and thought-provoking observations.
Mind you, this might be more of a phenomenon when you are teaching Charlotte Brontë rather than Lucy’s beloved trigonometry.
请注意,如果你教的是夏洛特.勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)而不是露西喜欢的三角函数,就更可能如此。
I had been at the FT for 10 years — not a patch on Lucy’s 31 — when I decided to move into teaching.
I had enjoyed myself thoroughly at the paper: my roles had included deputy UK news editor, arts editor and, at the time I left, co-Editor of what was then the Weekend section — now Life & Arts.
我在报社时非常享受我的工作:我担任过的职位包括英国新闻副主编、艺术版主编,离职时我是当时的周末版——如今的生活与艺术(Life & Arts)——的联合主编。
But my fascination with education grew.
I became a governor at my children’s primary school and a pupil mentor at a comprehensive, but it was not enough.
I was mad, I told myself.
Those teacher recruitment advertisements, full of pupils gazing in open-mouthed wonderment at an enthusiastic (young and good-looking) teacher, were peddling a fantasy, I said, sternly.
Teaching could not really be like that: just read the headlines and listen to the politicians.
In the end, I went to watch some teachers in action — and it turned out that the cheesy fantasy was not so far from the truth after all.
You really do get golden moments when pupils turn to you agog that Shakespeare was really clever.
These are deeply touching.
So I wish Lucy — and everyone else who joins her through Now Teach — the best of luck.
所以,我希望露西——还有所有通过Now Teach(现在教书吧)跟她走相同道路的人——一路好运。
It won’t all be Dead Poets Society and School of Rock, but I work with several colleagues who after careers in the City, as investment bankers, consultants, insurance brokers and lawyers, have come into teaching.
不会都像《死亡诗社》(Dead Poets Society)和《摇滚校园》(School of Rock)中的那个样子,但我现在有几位同事,都是在伦敦金融城(the City)当过投行家、顾问、保险经纪人和律师之后,转行教书。
They, like me, enjoy the variety and challenge of the job.
As one said to me, just the other day, over dodgy staffroom coffee (no more delectable cappuccinos from around the corner, Lucy): I have never worked so hard.
And I have never been so happy.
However, there are a few surprises to look out for.
Never mind former colleagues thinking you are mad: staffroom colleagues will think you are crazy for giving up a glamorous media career.
And pupils will think you are utterly barking.
The most humiliating thing a student ever said to me: You went to Oxford and you’re just a teacher? I know that education is the most popular destination for Oxford graduates, but it was little comfort at that moment.
Be prepared for the first time you are asked what you do by a stranger at a function: I’m a teacher gets a very different response from I’m an FT columnist.
You think you won’t mind, but you may find that you do.
Lorna Dolan is assistant head of Sixth Form at Sevenoaks School.
洛娜.多兰(Lorna Dolan)是七橡树中学(Sevenoaks School)第六学级(Sixth Form)的副主管