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Janet Yellen will deliver the biggest shock to markets since taking over as chair of the Federal Reserve should the central bank raise interest rates this month, according to a survey of Wall Street economists that shows more than 85 per cent expect it to hold fire.

英国《金融时报》对华尔街经济学家的调查显示,逾85%的经济学家预计美联储(Fed)本月将按兵不动,因此如果美联储本月加息的话,珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)将给市场带来其就任美联储主席以来最大的冲击。

The scepticism among economists may concern the Fed’s top officials, who have spent the past month trying to persuade financial markets that an increase at their meeting on September 21 is a possibility given that the US unemployment rate is below 5 per cent and the global fallout from the Brexit vote has been muted.


They have succeeded at least in jolting financial markets out of months of complacency, after comments from two voting members on the Fed’s policy-setting committee on Friday sent US stock and bond prices sliding at their greatest rate since June.


Conviction that Fed policymakers, who in January were projecting four rate rises this year, will tighten policy has been drained by a run of mixed US economic data, including slower jobs growth in August and signs that the services sector has lost momentum.


Just 13 per cent of the 46 economists surveyed by the Financial Times forecast a rise in the central bank’s key short-term interest rate this month.


Interest-rate futures suggest a 30 per cent probability that the Fed will move this month, a gauge of trader expectations that historically has been more sceptical than economists of the Fed’s appetite to raise interest rates.


However, some believe the Fed’s willingness to move this month, even if it is not currently priced in by markets, is underestimated.


Given the recent communication from Fed officials, who have begun to signal that another hike in the near term is appropriate, we think the market has become too complacent, according to economists at Goldman Sachs.

高盛(Goldman Sachs)经济学家表示:鉴于最近美联储官员的表态——他们开始暗示,近期再次加息是适当的——我们认为,市场过于自满。

Speculation the Fed will make a last-ditch effort to lift the market’s expectations of a move in 10 days have been stirred after it emerged late on Thursday that Lael Brainard, a Fed policymaker seen by investors as in no hurry to raise rates, is giving a speech in Chicago on Monday, the final day before a blackout on officials’ public comments before the meeting comes into force.

上周四晚有消息称,被投资者视为不急于加息的美联储政策制定者莱尔•布雷纳德(Lael Brainard)将于周一——美联储议息会议前各位官员公开评论静默期前的最后一天——在芝加哥发表演讲,这促使市场猜测,美联储将尽最后努力提升市场对10天后加息的预期。

We also see some risk that she could deliver a speech with a hawkish tilt, according to economists at Barclays, who predict the Fed will move.


If Federal Reserve chair Yellen wants to increase the market-implied probability of a rate hike, this speech is one of her last opportunities.


An increase next week by the Fed would be a major blow to this year’s rally in fixed income, which has been slowed in recent weeks by speculation over the conclusions of the Bank of Japan’s review of its unconventional policy which it will deliver on the same day the Fed gives its decision.


Bond yields were also pushed higher after European Central Bank president Mario Draghi said on Thursday that officials had not even discussed extending the central bank’s own quantitative easing programme, which is in danger of running out of bonds to buy.

欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)上周四表示,官员们甚至没有讨论扩大该行自己的量化宽松计划——该计划可能陷入没有债券可购买的境地——这也推高了债券收益率。

The yield on the benchmark Japanese 10-year bond is close to positive territory again after falling as low as negative 0.29 per cent in late July; the 10-year German Bund rose above zero for the first time since July on Friday, while the yield on the 10-year US Treasury has risen from a record low of 1.32 per cent to 1.68 per cent.


Jeffrey Gundlach, the founder of DoubleLine Capital and an influential bond investor based in Los Angeles, told Reuters on Thursday that the Fed would be prepared to raise rates if interest rate futures put the odds at more than 40 per cent.

DoubleLine Capital创始人、洛杉矶颇具影响力的债券投资者杰弗里•冈拉克(Jeffrey Gundlach)上周四向路透社(Reuters)表示,如果利率期货显示的加息几率超过40%,美联储就会准备加息。

They want to show that they are not guided by the markets.


The Fed’s first rate increase since the financial crisis came last December, when markets had priced in an almost 80 per cent chance of the move.


More than 77 per cent of those economists polled by the FT, including several who forecast the Fed will go this month, believe the central bank will only raise once this year.


Several also downgraded their expectations for further tightening from the Fed next year, the survey found. The median projection showed two further increases, taking rates to 1.125 per cent.


However, the share of economists expecting more than half a percentage point of additional tightening in 2017 fell to 20 per cent from 30 per cent in the FT’s last survey in July.


The FT conducted its survey between September 6 and 9.


The Fed was also seen as unlikely to turn to negative rates if the US economy required further stimulus.


More than half said they believed the US central bank had ruled out negative interest rate policy after its rollout in Europe and Asia plunged yields on more than $13tn of assets below zero and intensified risks for the financial sector.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
willingness ['wiliŋnis]


n. 乐意,愿意

bond [bɔnd]


n. 债券,结合,粘结剂,粘合剂
vt. 使结

forecast ['fɔ:kɑ:st]


n. 预测,预报
v. 预测

investor [in'vestə]


n. 投资者

appetite ['æpitait]


n. 嗜好,食欲,欲望

complacent [kəm'pleisnt]


adj. 满足的,自满的,得意的

complacency [kəm'pleisnsi]


n. 自满,沾沾自喜

predict [pri'dikt]


v. 预知,预言,预报,预测

gauge [geidʒ]


n. 测量标准,轨距,口径,直径,测量仪器

speculation [.spekju'leiʃən]


n. 沉思,推测,投机


关键字: 美联储 珍妮特耶伦




