Mencius’ Theory
As a philosopher, Mencius' main doctrine is the Goodness of human nature. He advocated “Nourishing the moving force”,and put forth the idea of “Heaven and man combine into one. ” Compare with Confucius, in the viewpoint of human nature, Mencius took a big step forward. Mencius declared definitely that human nature is “originally good”. Moreover, he built his entire philosophy on this tenet, and presented a series of concepts :(1) Man possesses the innate knowledge of the good and “ innate ability” to do good; (2) If one “develops his mind to the utmost”,he can “serve heaven” and “fulfill his destiny”;(3)Evil is not inborn but due to man's own failures and his inability to avoid evil external influences; (4)Serious efforts must be made to recover men's original nature; (5) The end of learning is none other than to “seek for the lost mind”.
作为一个哲学家,孟子的观点是人性的善良。他主张“滋补移动力”,并提出了“天人合一的观点”。 跟孔子相比较,从人性化的角度出发,孟子进了一大步。孟子宣称人的本性绝对是“生来就好的”。此外,他在这个原则建立了他的整个理念,并提出了一系列思想:(1)人天生就具有良知的和“天赋才能”;(2)如果有一个人“激发他的心灵使其发挥到最大“,他可以”转动天堂“和”完成他的使命“;(3)邪恶不是天生的,是由于人自身的失败和他无法避免外部恶的影响;(4)认真的努力必能恢复人的原始本性;(5)终生学习无非是要寻找“缺失的心”。