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莫迪印度梦 时隔两年大盘点

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Narendra Modi’s sweeping victory in the May 2014 Indian general election prompted jubilation among his Hindu supporters in Varanasi, the northern city on the Ganges he had chosen as his parliamentary seat.

纳伦德拉•莫迪(Narendra Modi)在2014年5月印度大选中大获全胜让瓦拉纳西(Varanasi)的印度教支持者欢欣鼓舞。瓦拉纳西是印度北方邦的一座城市,位于恒河河畔,莫迪选择该市作为其议会席位所在地。

The energetic leader of the nationalist Bharatiya Janata party seemed to usher in a radical change from the sclerotic Congress government he had deposed, promising jobs for the young, toilets for the poor and economic reforms for investors and entrepreneurs.

这位精力充沛的民族主义政党人民党(Bharatiya Janata)的领导人似乎发起了一场激进的改革,以摆脱被他赶下台的国大党(Congress)政府留下的僵化形象。他承诺为年轻人创造就业机会,为穷人修建厕所,为投资者和企业家推行经济改革。

Two years on, and even Mr Modi’s supporters in Uttar Pradesh, the country’s most populous state, are beginning to wonder if the prime minister will be able to achieve half of what he has pledged — whether the target is a clean-up of the polluted Ganges or the revival of Indian manufacturing.


“Modi’s a realist,” says one retired banker in Varanasi, “but he hasn’t achieved anything yet. People say he needs more time.”


Higher up the Ganges in Kanpur, the industrial city once known as the Manchester of India, business leaders say the erratic supply of electricity has improved slightly. But there are few new jobs for the 1m or so young Indians who enter the workforce each month: lack of power, the difficulty of acquiring land, restrictive labour laws and constant interference by bureaucratic and corrupt government inspectors have made sure of that.


“Definitely his vision is perfectly OK,” I.M. Rohatgi, who runs an education business and heads the Merchants’ Chamber of Uttar Pradesh, says of Mr Modi. “But the implementation is taking time.”

经营着一家教育企业的北方邦商人商会(Merchants’ Chamber of Uttar Pradesh)会长I•M•罗哈吉(I.M. Rohatgi)在谈到莫迪时表示:“他的愿景无疑很美好,但在实施上有点费时。”

Before he took office, Mr Modi’s liberal enemies feared he would become a powerful, authoritarian prime minister who would impose or allow his religious backers to impose fundamentalist Hinduism on India’s heterogeneous population.


There has been some of that. One Muslim businessman in Kanpur said he was worried about “intolerance” following the lynching of a man in Uttar Pradesh on suspicion that he had eaten beef (cows are holy to Hindus).


P. Chidambaram, a Congress leader and former finance minister, says the government is “on a dangerous path” of promoting polarisation, while the BJP’s Arun Shourie, a disenchanted former confidant of Mr Modi, laments the “intimidation and silencing” of the government’s critics.

国大党领导人、前财政部长帕拉尼亚潘•奇丹巴拉姆(P. Chidambaram)表示,莫迪政府“正走在鼓励两极化的危险道路之上”,而曾经是莫迪密友、如今幻想破灭的阿伦•绍里耶(Arun Shourie)哀叹政府方面“恐吓和噤声”批评者的行为。

Yet the principal complaint about Mr Modi is not that he is a domineering Hindu puritan but that he has failed to do much for economic development.


“His concept of development is a few large, shining and conspicuous projects,” says Mr Shourie, referring to such Modi-led campaigns as “Make in India” and “Digital India”. Or, as Mr Chidambaram puts it: “Where are the jobs?”


Business leaders say it is unfair to suggest that nothing has been achieved, although few of them would agree with Jayant Sinha, minister of state for finance and a former McKinsey partner, when he says “we are fundamentally changing the nature of Indian capitalism” to help entrepreneurs.

企业领导人表示,说莫迪一事无成是不公平的,尽管他们很少有人赞同印度财政国务部长、麦肯锡(McKinsey)前合伙人贾扬特•辛哈(Jayant Sinha)的观点,后者表示,“我们正在从根本上改变印度资本主义的特质”以帮助企业家。

On Mr Modi’s watch, India has accelerated road-building, invested in the ageing rail network, launched an ambitious solar power plan, opened accounts for more than 200m previously unbanked Indians, and increased the foreign investment limits for sectors ranging from insurance to defence manufacturing.


But it has failed to repeal the previous government’s retroactive tax law, which has targeted Vodafone and Cairn Energy among others and sapped investor confidence. Nor has it so far been able to break the grip of the Congress party on the upper house of parliament to enact a long-awaited goods and services tax that would benefit business and the economy by turning India into a single market.

但是,莫迪政府未能废止上一届政府出台的追溯税法,该法针对沃达丰(Vodafone)和凯恩能源(Cairn Energy)等公司,削弱了投资者信心。莫迪政府迄今也未能打破国大党对上议院的掌控,以通过外界期待已久的征收商品和服务税的议案。该税种将让印度变成一个单一市场,从而让企业和经济受益。

Mr Modi also faces intense resistance to change from Indian bureaucrats and is undermined by ineffective cabinet ministers he seems unwilling to sack. He sometimes finds his initiatives blocked by state governments — such as that of Uttar Pradesh — controlled by parties other than the BJP. Banks are constrained from new lending by a mountain of bad loans for infrastructure and industry dating back to previous administrations.


Priyankar Upadhyaya, a political scientist at Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi, says Mr Modi “desperately” wants economic development and finds himself stuck in a “trap of expectations” set by hopeful voters.

瓦拉纳西贝拿勒斯印度教大学(Banaras Hindu University)的政治学家普利杨卡尔•乌帕德亚雅(Priyankar Upadhyaya)表示,莫迪“迫切”希望发展经济,结果发现自己陷入了满怀希望的选民设置的“期望陷阱”。

“He knows that in 2019 [the year of the next general election] people are going to look at these issues.”


Mr Modi has already been distracted from government by state elections, including one next year in Uttar Pradesh, whose 200m inhabitants make it politically the most important in the union.


“I think he really wants to bring about change,” says Prof Upadhyaya. “But the problem is that the system on which he depends is mired with issues.”


For Harsh Pati Singhania, director of JK Organisation, a family-controlled industrial conglomerate centred on Kanpur, the Modi government is on the right course but needs to focus on implementing its plans.

对坎普尔家族企业集团JK Organisation的总监哈施•帕蒂•辛哈尼亚(Harsh Pati Singhania)来说,莫迪政府的方向是正确的,但需要专注于落实自己的计划。

“India,” he says, “for any government or administration is not so easy to govern.”



关键字: 莫迪 印度梦




