Can you think of a better strategy or ideathan the status quo?
Even if you are willing to change, you’ve got tocome up with a solution to your problem. In some cases, it’s quiteeasy. Becoming healthier by improving your diet and doing more exercise is notexactly a secret or a revolutionary solution.
Other times, however, it is more difficult.Companies can bring in armies of consultants to help them come up with newsolutions to what’s ailing them, but the old-fashioned idea of expecting youand your own staff to have ideas isn’t all that unreasonable either.
No matter how great your strategic idea, ifyou can’t execute on it you’re doomed.
Take Blockbuster and Netflix as oneexample. The writing was on the wall for some time on how digital streaming wasgoing to become a better solution for more people than heading to your localDVD store. And a more profitable solution for companies able to deliver thatservice. Blockbuster did have choices — buy Netflix when they were still quitesmall and run them as an independent entity, create their own “Netflix” business,retrench into a small niche player doing what you’ve always done for the tinymarket that might still prefer to browse the shelves, or selling out to anothercompany better —or dumber —than they were. Blockbuster made an attempt, too late, to createits own version of Netflix, but ultimately collapsed under the weight ofchange.
以Blockbuster 和Netflix 为例。其实不祥之兆早已出现:数字流媒体视频必将成为更好的解决方案,吸引更多人使用,从而淘汰传统的DVD 租赁业务。对于有能力提供这种服务的企业来说,这也是一种利润更丰厚的解决方案。Blockbuster 并非没有选择:可以在Netflix规模还很小的时候将其收购,并将其作为独立业务发展;也可以开发自己的“Netflix”业务;还可以缩小规模,变成一家小众企业,针对那些仍然愿意浏览货架的小众人群提供你一直以来提供的业务;甚至可以出售给另外一家更好——或更笨——的公司。Blockbuster 曾经尝试开发自己的Netflix,但为时已晚,最终只能在变革的重压下消亡。
The point is, when you are open-minded,curious, and creative, you’ll have options.
Can you execute on your chosen solution?
This is where the proverbial rubber meetsthe road. No matter how great your strategic idea, if you can’t execute on ityou’re doomed. This is how it should be, of course, but that doesn’t make iteasier. Blockbuster did create a small unit designed to replicate Netflix, butit died a quick death in a corporate culture that only knew one business model.
俗话说:“是骡子是马,拉出来溜溜。”无论你的战略思维多么高明,如果无法落实,都注定会失败。这似乎是不言自明的道理,但实际操作起来却没有那么简单。Blockbuster 的确成立了一个部门来模仿Netflix 的模式,但由于他们的企业文化只懂得一种商业模式,所以这个部门很快就消亡了。
Dealing with that difficult colleaguerequires courage and a plan of action, but then you have to actually have thedifficult conversation. Or you have to convince others to move the troublemakerto another place where he might add more value and do less damage. Or you haveto initiate an often-long process of documenting grounds for dismissal. All ofit is hard work.
Even going to the gym and eating betterdoesn’t happen by itself. Maybe you need a personal trainer to keep youmotivated (and raise the embarrassment factor if you quit or the financialstrain if you have to pay for a missed training session). If you don’t have thepersonal discipline to stay away from those wonderful French fries, there’s an entireindustry that has sprung up to help you execute on your eat-healthy strategy:diet clubs, diet programs, diet apps galore.
I don’t want to underestimate thedifficulty of answering, with actions, these questions. Every step of the wayis challenging, from having the courage to change, to creatively developing anew way of doing things, to actually making it happen. But these threequestions will always be at the heart of any solution. Getting to a much betterplace as an individual, or for a company, really is possible. It need not be soconfusing and overwhelming.
When you really think about it, you’ve goteverything you need to solve your problem.