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About 66 million years ago the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) extinction event wiped out about 80% of life on Earth, and no one is exactly sure what caused it. Many species, most famously the dinosaurs, were annihilated, while many of the survivors underwent radical transformations. Scientists have long debated the cause of one of the biggest mass extinctions in history, and while they've reached some general consensus no one is 100% certain which of the following is the cause.





Many of the other theoretical causes of extinction stem from an asteroid impact, and an impact event is the leading theory as to what killed the dinosaurs. Called the Alvarez hypothesis, it was developed by Nobel Prize winning physicist Luis Alvarez, his geologist son Walter Alvarez and two chemists, Frank Asaro and Helen Michels. The team discovered incredibly high levels of iridium in the sedimentary layers where the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary is found. Iridium is uncommon in the Earth's crust, but it is common on asteroids.

There was only one problem — if an asteroid hit Earth, where was the crater? Well in 1990, 10 years after the theory was published, researchers found the Chicxulub crater in Mexico. It's believed that is was made by an asteroid that was about 110 miles wide and about six across — roughly the dimensions that Alvarez and his team had calculated. It's believed that after the asteroid hit it sent dust up into the atmosphere that blocked the sun for decades. This would have caused massive climate change. Adding to the darkness was ash and smoke, as wildfires would have started from debris re-entering the atmosphere. All of these factors would come together to make life impossible for dinosaurs.

9.Global Firestorm



While most scientists believe that it was an asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs, there's much debate as to what exactly the asteroid did when it hit Earth. One theory is that it started an unstoppable wall of fire that engulfed the entire planet. The argument is that when the asteroid hit, it sent vaporized rock particles above the atmosphere. There, the particles would have formed into grains of sand and then re-entered the atmosphere. The particles would have been incredibly hot, turning the sky red and making the atmospheric temperature 2700 F. This would have made the air above the point of impact act like a broiler, and everything below it would have caught fire in a blaze that would proceed to spread around the entire world. The researcher who came up with the theory said it would have been like a one-megaton bomb going off every four miles all over the Earth. Only animals that could burrow or go underwater would have been saved.

尽管很多科学家认为行星撞击是导致恐龙灭绝的罪魁祸首,但对于小行星撞击地球时的具体情况也是众说纷纭。有一种说法认为,行星撞击引发了难以扑灭的熊熊大火并吞噬地球上的每一寸土地。这个论点是指,当行星撞击地球时,蒸发岩粒子会喷出大气层,在大气层以外的地方组成无数沙粒后再重回大气层。这些粒子炽热无比,将天空烤成红色,使大气中的温度高达2700华氏摄氏度。受上述影响 ,空气变得酷热无比,像是随时都可能爆发一场大火,蔓延至整个地球表面。提出这一假说的研究人员称,那种场景像每四英里就有一百万吨的炸弹在地球上同时爆炸一样,只有穴居动物和水生生物才能得以存活。




Using a computer simulation, a MIT Professor theorized a super hurricane (known as a hypercane) could have theoretically occurred if an asteroid caused a 40-50 mile area of the ocean to heat to 120 F. This would have created hurricanes so powerful that winds would have reached speeds of over 600 mph. For comparison, the most powerful storm known to human history was Typhoon Tip, which made landfall on October 12, 1979. Wind speeds reached 190 mph, less than a third of the wind speed during a hypercane.

As long as the conditions exist to create them, hypercanes will keep forming, meaning the dinosaurs possibly contended with a number of these storms. However, the real danger is the height of the storm, which would have been 40 miles. This would have brought water into the stratosphere and deteriorated the ozone, which would have killed off any creatures that couldn't find shelter until the ozone reformed.

7.Gradual Extinction and Mammal Competition



A less dramatic theory is that the dinosaurs weren't killed off with one single blow, but died off gradually over the course of millions of years thanks to competition from mammals. Mammals, which were starting to become more complex beings, could have been better at finding food and dealing with changes in the environment.

A major difference between mammals and dinosaurs is that mammals don't lay eggs. A newborn dinosaur was small but could grow to a massive size, meaning they would need a lot of food. Conversely, mammals didn't need much food and could therefore flourish much easier. And since mammals carry their children in a womb, it would have been much safer than laying an egg that would be vulnerable to predators. This theory would explain why dinosaurs died out but mammals survived the extinction event.

6.Continental Drift



The dinosaurs are thought to have first appeared during the Mesozoic era, which was 248 to 65 million years ago. Scientists divide that era into the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. During the Triassic, all the continents were in one giant landmass known as Pangea. During the Jurassic, Pangea broke in half and started drifting apart. By the time the Cretaceous rolled around, which is when the K-Pg extinction occured, the two continents had broken up even more, getting closer to the continents we know today.

The drifting of the continents would have been devastating to the dinosaurs, as their habitats would have changed drastically. It also would have caused a change in climate, and ocean cycles would have been altered. This would have led to an increase in violent storms that would have wrecked havoc on the environment, further limiting the dinosaurs' ability to survive.

翻译:省略君 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

proceed [prə'si:d]


vi. 继续进行,开始,着手

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

altered ['ɔ:ltəd]


v. 改变(alter的过去分词) adj. 改变了的;

radical ['rædikəl]


adj. 激进的,基本的,彻底的
n. 激进分

hypothesis [hai'pɔθisis]


n. 假设,猜测,前提

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界





