In contrast to the aged hero, stricken with excess of grief and passively undergoing his many misfortunes,
we have here a transcendent serenity issuing from above and hinting that by his passive endurance the hero may yet gain a consummate energy of action.
This activity so different from his earlier conscious striving, which had resulted in pure passivity will extend far beyond the limited experience of his own life.
Thus the legal knot of the Oedipus fable, which had seemed to mortal eyes incapable of being disentangled, is slowly loosened.
And we experience the most profound human joy as we witness this divine counterpart of dialectics.
If this explanation has done the poet justice, it may yet be asked whether it has exhausted the implications of the myth;
and now we see that the poet's entire conception was nothing more nor less than the luminous afterimage which kind nature provides our eyes after a look into the abyss.