Brazil’s gross domestic product fell by a record 4.5 per cent year-on-year in the third quarter, confirming fears that Latin America’s largest country is on track for its worst recession since the 1930s.
Lower commodity prices, fiscal contraction and the fading of a consumer credit boom have battered what was once one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.
Brazil has also taken a hit from the sweeping “Car Wash” investigation into corruption at Petrobras, the state-owned oil company, which has paralysed congress and the corporate sector.
The scandal has also begun to spread to the financial services industry, with the arrest last week of billionaire banker André Esteves, chief executive of investment bank BTG Pactual.
这一丑闻还开始蔓延到金融服务业,上周亿万富翁银行家、投资银行BTG Pactual首席执行官安德烈埃斯特维斯(André Esteves)被捕。
Brazil’s statistics agency, the IBGE, said yesterday that GDP in the three months to September fell 1.7 per cent against a revised second quarter, worse than analysts’ expectations. The year-on-year fall was “the biggest since the start of the historical data series in 1996”, the IBGE said.
The slowdown is generating a perfect storm of negative economic data. Unemployment rose to 7.9 per cent in September, up from 4.7 per cent in October last year, inflation is running at more than 10 per cent for the first time since 2002 and Brazil’s government budget deficit is now 9.5 per cent of GDP.
The poor third-quarter figures pile more pressure on Brazil’s left-leaning president, Dilma Rousseff, who is trying to implement fiscal austerity measures while battling low approval ratings and calls for her impeachment in Congress.
糟糕的第三季度经济数据加大了巴西立场左倾的总统迪尔玛圠广夫(Dilma Rousseff)所受的压力,她正在试图实施财政紧缩措施,同时艰难应对支持率低下以及国会内部弹劾她的呼声。
“It seems likely that GDP will fall by something like 3.5 per cent this year [rather than the 2.5 per cent we had expected],” Capital Economics, a London-based research house, said in a note.
“似乎很可能出现的情况是,今年的GDP将下降3.5%(而不是我们曾经预期的2.5%),”总部位于伦敦的研究机构凯投宏观(Capital Economics)在一份简报中表示。
Worryingly for Brazil’s policymakers, the declines were across the board, with agriculture contracting 2.4 per cent compared with the previous three months while industry fell 1.3 per cent and services dropped 1 per cent.
While Brazil’s problems are largely of its own making, it is not the only big emerging economy to suffer from the end of the commodities supercycle and slowing growth in China. Russia is experiencing its first recession since 2009 amid low oil prices and western sanctions — although officials say the economy will return to growth next year.