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阳光背面的生意 Honeysuckle blooms help China solar industry flourish

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As she plucks the weeds ensnaring a nascent crop of honeysuckle, farmer Yang Xinfeng makes an unlikely pioneer in the global renewable energy revolution.


This year China will overtake Germany to become the world’s biggest installer of solar panels but as companies increasingly struggle to secure the vast land banks they need for solar farms, they are turning to an innovative solution: growing everything from plants to hairy crabs underneath the solar cells.


This helps them to get around government restrictions on the conversion of agricultural land, win the support of local farmers and generate an extra income stream.


“This makes a lot of sense as solar can be incorporated into agricultural land pretty effectively and non-invasively,” says Charles Yonts, an energy analyst at stockbroker CLSA in Hong Kong.

香港券商里昂证券(CLSA)能源分析师杨立志(Charles Yonts)表示:“这种做法非常合理,因为它能将太阳能发电非常有效地整合进农业用地,不会侵占农业生产的空间。”

At the Xicun power plant in Yunnan province, Hong Kong-listed CLP has teamed up with local farmers to grow honeysuckle, which is used in traditional medicine, below the solar cells that sprawl over hill after hill in this mountainous region.


“It’s not easy to look after this crop because I didn’t know about it before but I’m making much more money now,” says Ms Yang, whose earnings have trebled to Rmb3,000 ($473) per month since she started working for the honeysuckle contractor brought in by CLP. “In the past I had to take on extra jobs to survive but now I’m more secure and I’m planning to buy a new sofa and refrigerator.”


As it doubles the capacity of the Xicun plant to 100MW, enough to power thousands of homes in the nearby city of Dali, CLP is also working on a similar project in another part of China where it will rear hairy crabs, an expensive delicacy, in ponds under its solar panels.


“Solar plants take up a big area and one of the hardest challenges we face is obtaining land near major population centres,” says Roger Yang, the company’s director for new energy in China. “Integrating food production helps us to convince the farmers to lease the land at a reasonable price and get local government support.”

中电集团中国区新能源高级副总裁杨明才(Roger Yang)表示:“太阳能发电站需要占用很多土地,我们面临的一大挑战就在于如何获取靠近主要人口聚集地的土地。将食物生产整合进来,能帮助我们说服那些农民以合理价格将土地租给我们,并能得到政府的支持。”

With the price of solar panels having collapsed because of massive oversupply, a growing number of Chinese companies see an opportunity to make money while also earning political brownie points by helping the government meet its ambitious renewable energy targets.


Market research group IHS predicts that China will add a record 17.3 gigawatts of solar panels this year, slightly less than the total installed capacity of Italy, the world’s fifth-biggest generator of power from the sun.


Even after this breakneck expansion, China will only be producing 1 per cent of its power output from solar but it will be far and away the world’s biggest generator.


While China has vast expanses of available land in its western desert regions, it lacks the high-voltage transmission lines to bring electricity to its main cities and such a network would require billions of dollars and years of planning to build.


A government drive to solve the problem by putting more “distributed” solar cells on the roofs of houses and factories has stalled because of the lack of a smart grid system that allows people and businesses to feed power into the grid and get paid easily.


In the meantime, more companies around China are launching integrated agriculture ventures, with plans to grow everything from mushrooms to animal feed in the shadow of solar cells.


While CLP, which is part-owned and chaired by Hong Kong billionaire Michael Kadoorie, has long experience of building conventional and renewable energy plants around Asia, many of the other Chinese companies expanding into solar have a less impressive track record.

中电集团由香港亿万富翁米高嘉道理爵士(Sir Michael Kadoorie)持有部分股票并担任董事长。尽管中电集团拥有多年在亚洲各地建设常规能源电站和可再生能源电站的经验,但其他许多将业务拓展至太阳能领域的中国企业则没有这么亮眼的经历。

Recent entrants include Evergrande, a property developer, China Oceanwide, a finance group, and Huiyuan, China’s largest private juice maker. Controversial solar panel maker Hanergy regularly appears at promotional forums for greenhouse-mounted solar panels.

最近进入该产业的公司包括地产开发商恒大(Evergrande)、金融集团中国泛海(China Oceanwide)、以及中国最大的民营果汁生产商汇源(Huiyuan)。争议较大的太阳能电池板制造商汉能(Hanergy),则时常出现在推介安装于温室上的太阳能电池板的论坛上。

As in most countries, solar plants in China can only turn a profit because of government subsidies but it can currently take a year or more for new plants to win the necessary approvals before they receive their first payments.


Frank Xie, a solar analyst for IHS in Shanghai, says those with strong financial backing or international businesses can ride out the subsidy delay but some weaker companies will struggle to complete their projects, particularly given the wider slowdown.

IHS驻上海的光伏产业分析师谢锋(Frank Xie)表示,那些资金实力雄厚、或有国际业务的企业有能力挺过补贴发放延迟期,而部分较弱的公司却难以完成自己的项目——尤其是考虑到整体经济放缓的背景。

Mr Yonts of CLSA says that despite the potential for financial problems in the short term, China’s huge solar investment will transform the industry globally by driving down costs, which are currently about 60 per cent higher than coal-fired power.


“That will make solar particularly attractive for countries like India and Indonesia,” which both suffer from damaging electricity shortages, he says.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
survive [sə'vaiv]


vt. 比 ... 活得长,幸免于难,艰难度过

expanding [iks'pændiŋ]



secure [si'kjuə]


adj. 安全的,牢靠的,稳妥的
vt. 固定

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

transform [træns'fɔ:m]


vt. 转换,变形
vi. 改变

reasonable ['ri:znəbl]


adj. 合理的,适度的,通情达理的

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

innovative ['inəuveitiv]


adj. 革新的,创新的

stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,


关键字: 太阳能 衍生产业




