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安倍经济学 三年未见真正成效

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TOKYO — Japan's economy has contracted so many times in the last few years that the meaning of recession has started to blur. If an economy is shrinking almost as often as it is growing, what does any single downturn say about its health?


Now Japan appears to be faltering again.


After a decline in the second quarter, there are signs that output may have slipped again in the third, driven down in part by a slowing Chinese economy. Economists expect any recession to be short and shallow, but the deeper lesson looks more troubling: Nearly three years after Prime Minister Shinzo Abe gained office on a pledge to end economic stagnation, a decisive break with the past still appears far off.


“The potential growth rate is close to zero, so any small shock can put the economy into recession,” said Masamichi Adachi, the chief Japan economist at JPMorgan Chase. “Growth expectations are anemic.”

“潜在增长率接近于零,任何微小的冲击都可能让经济陷入衰退,”摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)驻日本首席经济学家足立正道(Masamichi Adachi)表示。“增长预期乏力。”

As a result, some economists are betting that the Bank of Japan, which has been pumping vast amounts of money into the economy by buying up government debt, will pull the trigger on more stimulus at its next board meeting on Friday.


The central bank's aggressive intervention has been central to Abe's policies, widely known as Abenomics. But events have conspired to blunt its impact.


Last year, it was an ill-timed sales tax increase, which rattled Japanese consumers and dissuaded them from spending. Lately it has been the deceleration in China, whose factories have been important buyers of Japanese-made machinery.


But the more fundamental problem, many specialists say, is that Japan's economy simply doesn't grow much in the first place.


Baseline growth is essentially zero. Gross domestic product is the same size it was in the mid-1990s, in part because the workforce is shrinking. So where a faster-moving economy might simply lose momentum in response to headwinds, Japan's goes into reverse.


So far, Abe's policies have done little to change the dynamic.


“Overseas investors appear increasingly disillusioned with Abenomics,” Naohiko Baba, chief Japan economist at Goldman Sachs, said last week after a series of meetings with clients in the United States, Europe and elsewhere in Asia.

“海外投资者对安倍经济学的期望似乎日渐破灭,”高盛(Goldman Sachs)驻日本首席经济学家马场直彦(Naohiko Baba)上周表示。此前他曾与美国、欧洲和亚洲其他地区的客户进行了一系列会面。

Foreign investors' enthusiasm for Abenomics was a central force in driving up Japanese stock prices, one of the few clear-cut successes of Abe's economic program. Although the rally has lost steam in the last few months along with other global markets, the Nikkei 225 is still about twice the level it was when Abe took office at the end of 2012.

外国投资者对于安倍经济学的看好,是推高日本股价的核心力量,股市也是安倍的政策明确取得成功的少数几个领域之一。虽然在过去的几个月里,日本股市的涨势就像全球其他市场一样失去了动力,但日经225指数(Nikkei 225)仍然维持在安倍晋三2012年底上台时的两倍左右。

Other parts of the economy look weaker. One of Abenomics' central objectives, to generate a strong and sustained rise in consumer prices, “remains very elusive,” Baba said, as do its goals of raising workers' incomes and dismantling regulatory hurdles to business.


Taken together, improvements in these areas were supposed to bolster the economy's metabolism and increase its underlying potential to grow.


The central bank has played an outsize role in the effort. Under its governor, Haruhiko Kuroda, it has pursued a “quantitative easing” strategy similar to that introduced by the Federal Reserve after the global financial meltdown seven years ago.

日本央行在这方面起到了巨大作用。在行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)的领导下,央行一直在实施“量化宽松”策略,与美联储在全球金融危机之后,在七年前采取的行动类似。

But the Fed has cut back its bond-buying program in response to a recovering U.S. economy, and it is now considering whether to raise its benchmark interest rate from close to zero. A move by the Japanese central bank would go in the opposite direction — toward even looser monetary policy.


The Bank of Japan's meeting this week will coincide with a twice-yearly update of board members' forecasts for growth and inflation, which are likely to show increased pessimism. Kuroda timed his last blast of stimulus with the same October review last year, catching the markets by surprise. Stocks in Japan and around the world jumped.


Kuroda has been doing his best to lower expectations, insisting that the bank's current monetary settings are sufficient. Inflation has been held back by falling oil prices, he says, but the underlying direction of prices and wages is upward.


“I think the current policy, so-called qualitative and quantitative easing, has been working, having the intended impact on the economy,” he said in an interview with CNBC on Oct. 11, at a meeting of global central bankers in Lima.


Kuroda misdirected markets with similar talk before his unexpected move last year. But he may face greater constraints to action this time around. Stimulus measures by the central bank tend to drag down the value of the yen. That is good for multinational companies that earn revenue abroad, but it risks angering Japan's trading partners, as well as Japanese consumers and small businesses, whose buying power declines with the currency.


This month, Japan and 11 other Pacific Rim nations, including the United States, reached a hard-won agreement on a sprawling trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Abe says the increased trade and investment flows it promises to generate are crucial to raising Japan's long-run growth rate. But the pact is subject to approval by each country's legislature, including the U.S. Congress, where some members have accused Japan of unfairly suppressing the value of the yen to gain a competitive advantage.

本月,日本和包括美国在内的另外11个环太平洋国家就一项规模庞大的贸易协议,即“跨太平洋伙伴关系协定”(Trans Pacific Partnership,简称TPP),达成了来之不易的共识。安倍晋三称,该协议料将带来更多的贸易和投资,这对提振日本的长期增长至关重要。但该协定还须得到包括美国国会在内的各国立法机构的批准。美国部分国会议员指责,日本为获取竞争优势而有失公正地压低了日元汇率。

“Foreign exchange policy is very tricky with TPP in the balance,” said Adachi of JPMorgan, who used to work at the Japanese central bank and understands the political sensitivities that can shape its nominally independent decisions. “Ordinary households don't want to see a weaker yen, either,” he added, noting that the government faces an election for the upper house of Parliament next year.


Abe's economic team, normally a cheerleader for bolder central bank action, has also been unusually circumspect. “The Bank of Japan may not ease policy further any time soon,” Finance Minister Taro Aso said in a recent interview with the public broadcaster NHK.

安倍晋三的经济团队通常都支持央行采取更大胆的行动,但这一次却出人意料地谨慎。“日本央行近期可能不会进一步放宽政策,”日本财务大臣麻生太郎(Taro Aso)最近在接受日本的公共广播电视机构NHK的采访时说。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
blunt [blʌnt]


adj. 钝的,迟钝的,直率的
v. 使迟钝,

machinery [mə'ʃi:nəri]


n. (总称)机器,机械

potential [pə'tenʃəl]


adj. 可能的,潜在的
n. 潜力,潜能

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

stagnation [stæg'neiʃən]


n. 停滞

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

dynamic [dai'næmik]


adj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的
n. 动力

generate ['dʒenə.reit]


vt. 产生,发生,引起


关键字: 安倍 安倍经济学




