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关键印刷 分家不散伙的商界夫妇

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Working side by side in their new sunlit prem in Oakland, California, making custom-made books in leather and cloth, everything seemed to be coming together for husband-and-wife team Ivar Diehl and Danya Winterman, co-founders of The Key Printing and Binding. But their marriage was in difficulties and last year they separated. But first they made a vow: “We promised that if we split up we would try to keep our business partnership going. It would have been too great a shame to destroy something we had built together,” says Mr Diehl.

作为关键印刷装订公司(The Key Printing and Binding)共同创始人,伊瓦尔迪尔(Ivar Diehl)和丹尼亚温特曼(Danya Winterman)组成的夫妻团队(上图),在位于加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的充满阳光的新房子中并肩工作,用皮革和布料制作着定制书籍——一切似乎都是两人共同打拼来的。不过,两人的婚姻却遭遇了困难,并于去年离婚了。然而,他们做的头一件事,就是发下了一个誓言。迪尔表示:“我们承诺,就算我们分开了,我们也会努力将我们的商业伙伴关系维持下去。毁掉某种我们共同打造的东西,那是太大的遗憾。”

Co-founder couples who remain wedded to their business after ending their marriage may not be common but they are becoming less rare. Abba, the double-couple band that became double-divorced, continued to record hits after Agnethaand Ulvaeus split, although the next divorce brought the curtain down. Eighteen years after separating from the hairdresser Nicky Clarke, Lesley Clarke still directs the business side of the eponymous salon and haircare brand. The restaurateur Rick Stein and his former wife Jill divorced eight years ago but continue to open new ventures together, with Ms Stein designing the interiors.

共同创业的配偶在结束婚姻后保持商业上的密切关系或许并不常见,但这种现象正变得不那么少见了。Abba乐队就曾由原本的两对夫妇,变成两对离异夫妇。在阿格妮莎輠斯克格(Agnetha)和比约恩攠瓦尔斯(Bj爀渀 Ulvaeus)离婚后,该乐队依旧创作出了成功的歌曲——尽管另一对夫妇的离异终于令乐队散伙。在和美容师尼基克拉克(Nicky Clarke)离婚18年后,莱斯莉克拉克(Lesley Clarke)仍主管着同名美发护发品牌的商业事宜。餐馆老板里克斯坦(Rick Stein) 8年前和前妻吉尔(Jill)离婚,却继续和她一同开办新的分店,并由斯坦女士设计内部装潢。

And in start-up land, couples who go into business together and fall out of love are a recognised phenomenon. “It’s an archetype we see more and more because succeeding at marriage is hard enough without the added stress of running a business together,” says Mich Crosby, co-founder of Wevorce, a San Francisco-based business that helps couples in business divorce amicably.

在初创企业方面,配偶共同创业而又不再相爱是一种并不难见到的现象。Wevorce共同创始人米歇尔克罗斯比(Michelle Crosby)表示:“这种典型现象我们见得越来越多,因为即便没有共同运营企业的额外压力,要取得婚姻的成功也已经够难了。”Wevorce是一家总部位于旧金山的企业,致力于帮助商界配偶友好离婚。

Some estranged couples cannot to buy each other out and soldier on as business partners out of necessity. Ambition, loyalty to staff and respect for each other’s talents can all be influential too — the flamboyant Mr Clarke, for example, has said that without the guiding acumen of Ms Clarke he would not have had a brand. But when couples can no longer live together, what hope is there that they will see eye to eye as business partners?


Before addressing the commercial of a break-up, Ms Crosby, who is divorced, advises couples to tackle the pain — especially if one side has been unfaithful — in order to the emotional needs from the legal and financial resolutions that must be reached. Otherwise the likelihood is that resentment will fester and make working together impossible. “What we often see is ‘the betrayer’ throwing in a lot of money in an attempt to fix things, and in six months the settlement comes unstuck because the betrayer no longer feels guilty and the other party is still angry,” Ms Crosby says.


Sometimes estranged couples are doing fine professionally; then a wound reopens, emotions resurface and the whole thing starts to unravel. One co-founder, who asked not to be named,how office relations soured when she began dating again. “[My ex] began behaving as if he could no longer trust me [with the even though our break-up was amicable.”


Perpetual fireworks are probably a sign that the estranged couple are no more compatible as business partners than as spouses, but occasional upsets are generally survivable so long as both sides share a goal and are willing to be generous, say those with personal experience. Ms Winterman and Mr Diehl agreed for the sake of their baby daughter and their business to treat each other with the consideration due to old friends, taking breaks to cool off when the stress of meeting production deadlines and dissolving their marriage at the same time became too much.


“When you know someone so well, a tone of voice that’s a little off can be a really emotional thing,” says Ms Winterman. The levelheadedness of a third co-founder who is a trusted friend has them navigate “some of the weirdness”, of the situation and “kept us slightly better behaved than we might otherwise be”, she adds.


Strategies that conventional business partners employ to avert gridlock — from consulting a neutral party to flipping a coin can also help exes resolve workplace disagreements peaceably. Ms Crosby, who once hired her ex-husband as her operations head, warns that when former spouses argue, old patterns of confrontation resurface.


To avoid being sucked into fights, she advises couples to heed normal office etiquette in their dealings with each other. Recalling a pricing disagreement with her ex that turned personal in public, she reflects that “an ex knows what buttons to push [to rile you].”


Keeping rumour-mongers at bay is often a concern when co-founder couples split, as suppliers may fret that the business will fold and employees fear for their jobs. British couple Louisa Scott and Jez John over what to tell staff at their jointly owned businesses Webstars, a digital agency, and Make My Day, a music business, when they separated in 2006.

如何堵住谣言,往往是共同创业的配偶离异时的一大顾虑,因为供应商可能会担心该企业会散伙,员工则会担心丢掉他们的工作。2006年,英国夫妇路易莎斯科特(Louisa Scott)和杰斯约翰(Jez John)离婚时,他们大伤脑筋,不知该如何告诉他们共同拥有的企业Webstars和Make My Day的员工。Webstars是一家数字化代理商,而Make My Day则是一家音乐企业。

Eventually, Mr John broke the news matter-of-factly during an office briefing devoted mainly to plans for expansion. In the following months, the couple spoke often — and even joked in public — about their separation, emphasising that nothing other than their domestic arrangements were about to change. “I think initially the staff worried that the family feel in the office would change. But the fact that we were very open, coupled with Jez’s bad jokes, helped to take away the awkwardness of the situation,” says Ms Scott.


A domestic break-up will oblige co-owners to rethink how they make decisions and share information. Divorcees Rick Rivera and Lisa Layton, co-owners of American Car Craft, an auto accessories business, say they work better as business partners than they ever did as a couple. But they miss the nonstop talk that spilled over from the office into domestic life. “We discussed business all the time, even in bed,” says Ms Layton. “I feel it takes us longer to make things happenwe had regular meetings the business would grow faster.”

家庭的破裂会迫使企业的共同所有者重新思考决策和信息分享的方式。已离异的里克里韦拉(Rick Rivera)和莉萨莱顿(Lisa Layton)是汽车配件企业American Car Craft的共同所有者。他们表示,作为商业伙伴,他们的合作比作为夫妻的任何时候都好。不过,他们很怀念从公司延伸至家庭生活的不停歇的谈话。莱顿表示:“我们会在一切时间讨论生意——甚至是在床上。我感觉现在做事情花的时间要长一些……如果我们定期召开会议,企业的成长会快一些。”

For some couples a break-up highlights a need to adapt as the business matures. Mr John and Ms Scott say they now run decisions past each other rather than assume that they know the other’s opinion.


Having to pay the bills for two households while carving out a business niche has prompted Mr Diehl and Ms Winterman to diversify from purely bespoke work into making notebooks and journals decorated with graffiti art for galleries and writers’ stores.


Working in the sight line of an ex is nevertheless awkward, Ms Winterman reflects. “In the past, Ivar would often show up for me an hour late. Now he runs out of the office to meet his girlfriend at the exact right moment. That’s really annoying to watch.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
archetype ['ɑ:kitaip]


n. 原型

avoid [ə'vɔid]


vt. 避免,逃避

navigate ['nævi.geit]


vi. 航行,驾驶,操纵 vt. 航行,驾驶

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

likelihood ['laiklihud]


n. 可能性

compatible [kəm'pætəbl]


adj. 能共处的,可并立的,适合的,兼容的

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

rare [rɛə]


adj. 稀罕的,稀薄的,罕见的,珍贵的

consideration [kənsidə'reiʃən]


n. 考虑,体贴,考虑因素,敬重,意见


关键字: 商界夫妇 关键印刷




