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废止现金 英国央行的奇葩提议

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Central banks have never been so powerful, yet their ability to set the cost of borrowing, put limits on bank lending and poke their noses into every corner of the financial system is insufficient for some. Now the Bank of England’s chief economist wants to abolish the cash in your wallet and charge you for a digital equivalent.


Andy Haldane argues the world economy is entering a third leg of a long crisis: an emerging market disaster is following the Anglo-Saxon and eurozone crises of 2008 and 2011 respectively. In these circumstances he wants to be able to stimulate spending in Britain but says he cannot easily do so because interest rates are constrained not to fall below 0 per cent. He worries that if the BoE set a negative interest rate — in effect charging savers to hold their money in the hope they would spend instead — people would switch to cash, stick it under the bed and thereby get around the efforts to encourage more consumption.

安迪哈德恩(Andy Haldane)辩称,全球经济正进入一场旷日持久的危机的第三阶段:继2008年“盎格鲁-撒克逊”(Anglo-Saxon)危机和2011年欧元区危机之后,如今轮到新兴市场发生灾难。在这样的背景下,他希望能够刺激英国支出,但他表示,这么做并不容易,因为利率受到制约,通常不能降至负数。他担心,如果英国央行设定一个负利率——实际上就是对存钱的储户收费,寄望于他们能够转而把钱花掉——人们将转向持有现金,把它们放在床底下,从而让鼓励更多消费的努力落空。

Attach a gloomy assessment of the efficacy of quantitative easing and other means of stimulating spending, and his answer is to get rid of cash and replace it with a digital wallet on which negative interest rates can be charged.


The case might be logical, but that is not a sufficient condition for public policy. Mr Haldane thinks banning cash and switching to digital money would be a “great technological leap forward” but his words have more than an unfortunate rhetorical echo of Maoist China. It is illiberal and prioritises a skewed view of theory over public acceptability.


For the vast majority of the time when interest rates are positive, Mr Haldane’s plans are simply unnecessary. He would ban the use of paper currency and coinage that has been used for centuries in pursuit of a theoretical contingency. Some 48 per cent of all transactions in the UK use cash, defying regular predictions of its demise and making it by far the most popular payment method. No wonder wiser heads at the BoE, such as Victoria Cleland, the chief cashier, say cash is here to stay.

在利率为正的绝大部分时间里,哈德恩的计划完全没有必要。他为了实行理论上的应急方案,禁止已使用数个世纪的纸币和硬币。在英国的所有交易中,约48%是现金交易,这意味着现金是遥遥领先的最受欢迎的支付方式,也让不时冒出的预测现金消亡的论调不攻自破。难怪英国央行总出纳维多利亚克莱兰(Victoria Cleland)等比较明智的人士表示,现金将继续存在。

At times when interest rate rates would ideally fall below zero, the central bank still has more tools in its armoury than Mr Haldane cares to consider. Nordic countries have shown that significantly negative rates can be imposed on bank deposits without the feared shift towards people hoarding cash under mattresses, so there is already more room for conventional monetary policy to work. In addition, it is clear that in the event of a slump a broad-based tax cut financed by central bank purchases of the resulting public debt would provide the necessary stimulus.


Mr Haldane asserts that such action would send monetary credibility “down the most slippery of slopes”. This fear is far from well grounded; and, as Professor Simon Wren Lewis of Oxford observes, ruling out monetary financing of tax reductions for fear they might be popular is hardly a sensible position for an unelected central banker.

哈德恩断言,此类举措将让货币政策的可信度“滑下最陡的斜坡”。这种担忧毫无根据;正如牛津大学(Oxford)教授西蒙雷恩-刘易斯(Simon Wren-Lewis)所言,对一个未经选举上任的央行行长来说,由于担心受欢迎而排除由货币主管当局为减税买单,很难说是一种明智的立场。

Some argue there would be beneficial side effects from abolishing notes and coins through the regularisation of illegal activities. Really? What is the more likely response of a drug dealer and client who mutually want to conduct a trade: “Let me sell you the dope on a traceable payment system”; or “Let’s use euros instead”? Cash would have to be abolished everywhere and the BoE does not have those powers, thankfully.


The anonymity of cash helps to free people from their governments and some criminality is a price worth paying for liberty, as professors Stephen Cecchetti and Kermit Schoenholtz observe. It is better if the government creates trusted, anonymous notes and coins rather than some private agent.

正如史蒂芬切凯蒂(Stephen Cecchetti)教授和克米特舍恩霍尔茨(Kermit Schoenholtz)教授所指出的,现金的匿名性有助于人们摆脱政府的监视;为了自由,存在一些犯罪活动是值得付出的代价。由政府(而非某种私人机构)创造值得信任的匿名钞票和硬币是更好的安排。

Mr Haldane’s proposal to ban cash has all the hallmarks of a public official confusing what is convenient for the central bank with what is in the public interest. Cash is unlikely to die a natural death — and, until it does, long may it live.


重点单词   查看全部解释    


adj. 刺激的,令人兴奋的 动词stimulate的现

traceable ['treisəbl]


adj. 起源于;可追踪的;可描绘的

proposal [prə'pəuzəl]


n. 求婚,提议,建议

observe [əb'zə:v]


v. 观察,遵守,注意到
v. 评论,庆

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

emerging [i'mə:dʒ]


vi. 浮现,(由某种状态)脱出,(事实)显现出来

skewed [skju:d]


adj. 歪斜的;曲解的

quantitative ['kwɔntitətiv]


adj. 数量的,定量的

sufficient [sə'fiʃənt]


adj. 足够的,充分的

cashier [kæ'ʃiə]


n. 出纳员,收银员
vt. 解职,丢弃


关键字: 废止现金 英国央行




