Along with any woman with a beating heart, I fell in love with Leonardo DiCaprio when he rescued Kate Winslet from the bow of the Titanic nearly 20 years ago。
Later on, I was captivated by his flawed romantic hero in The Great Gatsby and his ruthlessly controlling character in The Wolf Of Wall Street。
But I fear the love affair is over. It’s not his acting, nor the constant roll call of superficial supermodel girlfriends. No, it’s that DiCaprio now actually looks like a wolf。
It’s that God-damned ‘God beard’, as they’re called. You know what I’m talking about — those unclean, unkempt, scraggy, scratchy and utterly ugly big beards that so many men seem to be sporting nowadays。
So why are cool men of a certain age all over the world still wearing them? And what possesses some of the finest-looking actors on earth to cover their faces and necks with Brillo pad-like fuzz?
If Becks can’t carry off the hipster beard, you’ve got no chance。
Daniel Radcliffe needs to make that face fluff vanish。
Brad’s ragged effort at a the God beard。
Gone Girl star Ben Affleck has also been sporting a beard in recent months。
Heavens! Jim Carrey played God, now he’s got the beard to match the role。