3. Luisa Tetrazzini
3.Luisa Tetrazzini
Luisa Tetrazzini was an internationally-famous Italian soprano in the early 20th century, known for her strong high notes and her mastery of runs, trills, and staccati. At one point, a contract dispute caused performance hang-ups in New York, so she declared: “I will sing in San Francisco if I have to sing there in the streets, for I know the streets of San Francisco are free.” The papers loved it, and on Christmas Eve 1910, she appeared on a stage at the corner of San Francisco's Market and Kearney to serenade a crowd of some 250,000 people.
Luisa Tetrazzini是20世纪早期享有国际声誉的一名意大利女高音歌唱家,她以其雄厚有力的高音以及对于急唱、颤音和断音的精湛演绎而享誉世界。她曾经因在纽约表演陷入了一项合同纠纷,于是发表声明说:“如果有一天我不得不在街道上唱歌,我会选择在旧金山的街道唱歌,那是因为旧金山是一个自由的城市”。在1910年的平安夜,伴随着可尼的小夜曲的音乐,Luisa Tetrazzini出现在旧金山一个商场的舞台中央,吸引了25万多人聚集在此只为欣赏她美妙的歌声。
It was common for chefs to name new dishes after famous people, and one chef decided to name his after Tetrazzini. The recipe varies but usually includes fowl or seafood, mushrooms, almonds, and a white cheese sauce. Vegetables are often added, and it's typically served atop pasta. But who was the chef? Was it Mr. Pavani, the chef at the Knickerbocker Hotel in New York City? Was it legendary French chef George Auguste Escoffier? Or was it Ernest Arbogast, the chef at the Palace in San Francisco? Alas, nobody knows.
对于厨师来说,以一位名人的名字命名一道新菜品是最正常不过了。于是就有一名厨师将他的一道新菜品命名为Tetrazzini。尽管菜谱五花八门,但是这道菜无论怎么做都有肉或者海产品,蘑菇,杏仁和白奶酪调味汁。当然蔬菜也是这道菜的主打,这是传统的意大利面的做法。那么到底是哪位厨师首创的这道菜呢?是纽约荷兰酒店的帕瓦尼主厨(Mr. Pavani)?还是传奇的法国厨师乔治·奥古斯特·埃斯科菲埃(George Auguste Escoffier)?或者是旧金山王室主厨欧内斯特·阿博加斯特(Ernest Arbogast)?遗憾的是,无人知晓。