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中英双语话中国名校 第2期:北京大学

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Peking University


General Information


Peking University is a national key comprehensive teaching and research orientated university emphasizing the liberal arts and science,and is also one of the first group of universities aamitted to "project 211".peking the former Jing Shi Da Xue Tan(the Metropolitan University)of the Qing Dynasty,opened in December 1898 .The Metropolitan University was the most prestigious institution of higher learning but also the highest administrative organization of education in China.

In May 1912,the Metropolitan University was renamed "Peking University".Mr. Yan Fu,an outstanding educationist philosopher,was chosen as the first president.In December 1916,its presidency was taken up by Mr. Cai Yuanpei,an outstanding scientist educationist and democratic revolutionary who played an active role in the reform and development of the university

Peking University is situated at the northeast of the Haidian District at the western suburbs of Beijing with an area of 2661581 m2.the campus is known as“YanYuan the gardens of Yan. It stands near the Yuan Ming Gardens and the Summer Palace.
北京大学位于北京西郊海淀区的东北部占地2 661 581平方米。北京大学校园又称燕园,与圆明园、颐和园相毗邻。
Peking University has a glorious revolutionary tradition In 1919,the anti-impe-rialist and anti-feudal May 4th Movement was initiated from the university,which had been the Centre of the Chinese New-Culture Movement and the earliest basefor the dissemination of Marxism in China. Chen Duxiu,Li Dazhao and Mao Ze-dong,founders of the Chinese communist Party,as well as Lu Xun,a great writer,thinker and chief leader of the Chinese New-Culture Movement,all either taught or held offices in the university. In order to carry on the revolutionary tradition of the May 4th Movement,the university decided after the new China was founded,that the 4th of May be set as the date on which to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the university.
Peking University has 4574 faculty and staff,including 49 academicians of theChinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)and 8 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE),9 academicians of the Third World Academy of Sciences,14 chief scientists of "Project 973 57 special professorsof“Cheungkong Scholars Program”and 2691 full or associate professors (including 1287 doctoral supervisors).Peking University has a total enrolment of 29 617 students of all kinds including 14 240 undergraduates,8 498 master candidates,4 234 doctoral candidates and 1 776 foreign students.
北京大学现有教职工4 574人,其中中国科学院院士49名、中国工程院院士8名、第三世界科学院院士9名、“9项目”首席科学家14人、长江特聘教授7人、2 691名教授或副教授(其中博士生导师1 287名)。北京大学有29 617名各类在校学生,其中普通本科学生14 240人、硕士生8 498人、博士生234人,1 776名留学生。
The university comprises 5 councils,45 colleges and departments,271 institutes(research centers),16 state key labs,18 affiliated and teaching hospitals. It has 102 specialties for undergraduates,4 specialties for the Second Bachelor's degree,221 specialties for Master candidates and 199 specialties for Doctoral candidates,81 state key disciplines and 3S post-doctor stations.Peking University ranks first in the number of the academicians of CAS,chief scientists,professors,doctorate tutors and Chang Jiang scholars as well as the number of state key disciplines and labs
Peking University Library is the largest university library in Asia and has a collection of 703 million volumes.Peking University has made an effective combination of the research on important scientific issues with the training of personnel with high level specialized knowledge and professional skill as demanded by the country's socialist modernization。The university has become a center for teaching and research and a comprehensive university of the new type,consisting of diverse branches of learning such as pure and applied sciences,social sciences,the humanities,medical sciences and sciences of management and education
"Member of Peking University" is a glorious name which represents not only excellence and brilliance but also diligencne and dutyThe tradition of Peking University member of Peking University,has best and devote himself to peking university today and China in the future.

北大人”—这个光辉的名字不仅代表着优秀与才华,更着勤奋和责任。北大的传统渗透到每个北大人的血液里,鞭策每一个北大人不懈努力,为今日之北大与明日之中国而奋斗不息 。

Glorious History


Peking University the former Jing Shi Da Xue Tang(the Metropolitan University),was founded in December 1898.InMay 1912,the Metropolitan Universify was renamed"Peking University".In 1917,its presidency was taken up by Mr. CaiYuanpei an outstanding scienfisteducationist and democraticrevolutionary,who played an active role in the reform and development of the university. By 1919,the university developed into the country's largest institution of higher learning,with 14 departments and an enrollment of more than 2 000 students.



During the War of Resistance Against .lapan,Peking University moved to Kunming,a city in Yunnan Province,together with Tsinghua University and Nankai Universify,formed the National Southwestern Associated University. In 1946,after the victory of the war,Peking University moved back to Beiping(then the name of Beijlin)At that time,the university comprised six schools(Arts,Science,Law,Medicine,Engineering and Agriculture),and a research institute for the humanities.The total enrollment of student grew to 3 000.

抗日战争期向,北京大学与清华大学、南开大学一起迁往昆明,改称国立西南联合大学。1946年,杭战胜利后,北京大学迁回北平(当时的北京)。当时,北京大学由6个学院(艺术、科学、法律、医药、工程、农业)和一个人文研究院组成。在校生达到3 000人。
After the founding of the People's Republic of China,the government carried out in 1952 a nationwide readjustment of colleges and universities with the aim topromote higher education and quicken the training of personnel with specialized knowledge and skill by pooling the country's manpower and mnterial resources.After the readjustment,Peking University became a university comprising departments of both liberal arts and sciences and emphasizing the teaching and research of basic sciences. By 1962,the total enrollment grew to 10671 undergraduatestudents and 280 graduate students.In April 2000,a new Peking UniversitY was founded on the basis of the merging of Peking University and Beijing University of Medical Sciences.
中华人民共和国成立后,全国高校于1952年进行院系调整,以推动高等教育的发展,加快国家急需专门人才的培养。北京大学成为一所以文理基础教学和研究为主的综合性大学。1962年,在校本科生达到10 671人,2000年4月北京大学和北京医科大学合并成立新的北京大学。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐

diverse [dai'və:s]


adj. 不同的,多种多样的

specialized ['speʃəlaizd]


专门的 专科的

revolutionary [.revə'lu:ʃənəri]


adj. 革命的
n. 革命者

prestigious [pres'tidʒiəs]


adj. 享有声望的,声望很高的

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

excellence ['eksələns]


n. 优秀,卓越,优点

modernization [.mɔdənai'zeiʃən]


n. 现代化






