Hollywood’s power base has been shifting to China, and now its art is headed there, too: Wang Zhongjun, a Chinese movie tycoon, was the mystery buyer at Sotheby’s on Tuesday of a Picasso portrait owned for nearly seven decades by one of Hollywood’s royal families.
Mr. Wang, a co-founder of the film company Huayi Brothers, paid $29.9 million for Picasso’s “Femme au Chignon Dans un Fauteuil,” which carried a presale estimate of $18 million. It was auctioned in New York by Sotheby’s on behalf of the Goldwyn family, which has long been involved in the entertainment business in Los Angeles. Samuel Goldwyn, best known as the G in M.G.M., bought the Picasso in 1956.
王中军是华谊兄弟电影公司的联合创始人。他以2990万美元买下毕加索的《盘发髻女子坐像》(Femme au Chignon Dans un Fauteuil),这件作品的预估价为1800万美元,是苏富比拍卖行代表戈尔德温(Goldwyn)家族在纽约拍卖的。该家族投身洛杉矶娱乐业多年。塞缪尔·戈尔德温(Samuel Goldwyn)是米高梅电影公司(M.G.M.)的创始人,公司名称中的G指的就是他。他在1956年买下了毕加索的这幅画作。
The Goldwyn heirs decided to sell the family’s art collection (and Hollywood Hills mansion) after Samuel Goldwyn Jr., an art film producer, died in January.
今年1月,艺术电影制片人小塞缪尔·戈尔德温(Samuel Goldwyn Jr.)去世后,这个家族的继承者们决定卖掉家族的艺术收藏品(和好莱坞山的宅邸)。
Sotheby’s revealed that Mr. Wang was the winning bidder on Wednesday. One of China’s richest men, Mr. Wang has recently emerged as a deep-pocketed buyer of Impressionist and modern art; he paid an eye-popping $61.8 million for a Van Gogh still life at Sotheby’s in November. It now hangs in his home in Hong Kong. “I first fell in love with the painting and then I fell in love with its story,” Mr. Wang said in a statement. “The Goldwyn family is legendary in our industry.”
苏富比拍卖行透露说,王中军是周三的中标者。王是中国最富有的人之一,最近因在购买印象主义和现代艺术品时出手阔绰而引人注目。去年11月,他令人震惊地豪掷6180万美元买下梵高(Van Gogh)的一幅静物写生。如今,那幅画悬挂在他香港的家中。“我先是爱上了这幅画,然后爱上了它背后的故事,”王中军在声明中说,“戈尔德温家族是电影界的传奇。”
Over the last year, Huayi Brothers has become a force in Western movie financing, investing in studio films like Sony’s “Fury,” starring Brad Pitt, and finalizing an 18-movie cofinancing and distribution agreement with STX Entertainment, an upstart movie operation.
去年,华谊兄弟成为西方电影融资的一股力量,参与投资索尼公司(Sony)的《狂怒》(Fury,布拉德·皮特[Brad Pitt]主演)等影片,与新兴的STX娱乐公司(STX Entertainment)敲定了18部电影的联合融资和发行合同。
Another painting from the Goldwyn collection, Henri Matisse’s “Anémones et Grenades,” estimated to bring as much as $7 million, sold for $6.1 million on Tuesday. Sotheby’s declined to say who bought it.
戈尔德温家族的另一件藏品亨利·马蒂斯(Henri Matisse)的《银莲花和石榴》(Anémones et Grenades)预估价达700万美元,周二的实际拍卖价为610万美元。苏富比拒绝透露这幅画的买家身份。