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"An older lady on a plane told me right before graduating: 'Whatever your job, whatever your salary, save 20% of your income. It's the first step to success.' Old ladies on planes always have the best advice." — jpa46b8aa91e
12. Keep busy in between employment.
"If you're having trouble landing a job straight out of school (like 99.9% of graduates these days), keep busy with things that'll add to your resume: volunteering, internships, etc. It all helps, and it shows potential employers that you've got drive!" — Jessica Thi, Facebook
“如果你在离校后不能够很顺利地找到工作(像如今99.9%的毕业生一样),就不断做一些其他事情以充实你的简历,比如做志愿者、找实习机会等。这些都会对你未来有帮助,会使你潜在的雇主看到你很有干劲儿!” ——杰西卡·提,脸书
13. Newtwork.
"My graphic design professor said 'it's all about who you know, so network as much as you can!'" — carleyc48360faa9
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