6.George Gordon, Lord Byron
Lord Byron was the ultimate Romantic rock-and-rolling bad boy, with a taste for excess. Men wanted to be like him, and women wanted to be with him. His mad energy was probably inherited from “Mad Jack” Byron, his womanizing father who was rumored to have slit his own throat. The younger Byron turned the great hall of his ancestral home into a shooting gallery, drank from a cup formed from a human skull, and lived off nothing more than biscuits and wine. He spent his Grand Tour hanging out with Albanian warlords and kept a pet bear at Cambridge. He swam the Hellespont and kept a menagerie of foxes, monkeys, peacocks, cats, falcons, and a wolf in his palazzo in Venice.
His love affairs were countless and frequently scandalous. Several times, his doctors warned about cutting down on the amount of sex he had, as it had actually become physically debilitating. He spent the year 1808 in London and Brighton living with prostitutes, one of whom he dressed as a boy and introduced to visitors as his brother. During their affair, Lady Caroline Lamb would send him locks of her pubic hair as a keepsake.
He went through actresses, opera singers, countesses, and choirboys. He got the stepsister of Mary Shelley pregnant before swiftly dropping her. In Italy, the outraged husband of one mistress, Countess Guiccioli, challenged him to a duel. While living in Venice between 1816 and 1818, he claimed to have slept with 200 women, including a long affair with the wife of his landlord.
After marrying in 1816, he abandoned his pregnant wife and fled to the Continent following rumors of incest with his half-sister. Meanwhile, his works were regarded as blasphemous, which made him the most notorious poet in Europe. In Italy, he was connected with the revolutionary Carbonari. He died of fever in 1824 in Greece, after joining their fight for independence from the Turks and paying to re-equip the Greek fleet.