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来源:英语点津 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

10. TAKEN (2006)

"Taken" a novel written by Edward Bloor tackles life two decades from today and lets the readers expect the unexpected. In 2035, what would life be? The rich will be twice as glorified and the poor will be twice as forsaken where kidnapping will become the menial job of the meek. On a New Year's Eve, Charity Meyer is kidnapped, as it is a common situation and every rich kid is well trained on kidnapping protocols, initially she is very calm just waiting to be ransomed. However, when she identified one of the kidnappers, she knows a ransom will not save her. She has no way out but to fight for herself. Scared as she is, there are even much scarier things she has to take to flee. Clueless, unguided and lost, who will save Charity Meyer?
《飓风营救》的作者是爱德华·布鲁尔(Edward Bloor),这本书讲述了距今二十年后营救生命的故事,让读者期待着各种意想不到的事件。在2035年,生活会变得怎样?富人会更加光鲜,穷人则会愈加凄凉。而绑架变成了弱者卑微的谋生方式。在新年前夕,查瑞迪·迈耶(Charity Meyer)被绑架了,不过富人家的小孩接受绑架训练已成为一个普遍的现象,所以她非常镇定地等待被赎。然而,但她认出其中一个绑匪时,她知道就算赎金也救不了她,她没有依靠只能靠自己。饱受惊吓的她还要面对逃离过程中更可怕的事。毫无线索,没有帮手,没有目标,到底谁能救出她?
On the whole, it is quite obvious that these written works have become bedrock to the writers and a silent force of economic advancements: the books are bestseller; the films are highest-grossing. Nevertheless, the popularity of the books make the films vulnerable to unfavorable reviews such as slaughtering the real story due to chronic rush of sequences, exaggerations and overtones. The question is, what beholds the viewers' eyes?




