8. TWILIGHT (2005)
Stephanie Meyer undoubtedly justified her sensibility to enable the readers to thirst for more in her very own version of a vampire story, the "Twilight". A vampire story for people who don't want vampire is just one of the many unified notions for this novel about the impossible love, the family mystery and the extraordinary life of Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan. Each page is savored that compels and touches the readers to feel like they are unwilling to give up hope for a seemingly doomed relationship. Bella's undying love and Edward's hidden monstrous character lead the romance to a bloody twist. On the one hand for the sake of trivial pursuit, "Twilight" was rejected by 14 agents, right before it was published in 2005 with a print-run of 75,000 copies. "Twilight" peaked at Number 1 at New York Times Bestseller list and later went on to become the Bestselling Book in 2008.
女作家斯蒂芬·梅尔驾驭作品的高超能力让读者对她这个版本的吸血鬼小说非常喜爱,这部吸血鬼小说满足了那些不喜欢千篇一律的吸血鬼故事的人们.书中讲述了不可能的爱情,家族之谜和爱德华·卡伦(Edward Cullen)和伊莎贝拉·斯旺(Isabella Swan)非同寻常的生活。每一页的挣扎和触碰让读者感受到他们对这段命定的恋情不肯放弃的希望。贝拉不变的爱恋和爱德华隐藏的兽性让浪漫爱情转为了血腥的纠结。《暮光之城》曾被14家出版商退回过,而在2005年出版后,这部书卖出了七万五千本,迅速在《纽约时报》的畅销书榜登顶,在2008年,这部小说再度成为最畅销书。