Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (1937)
《思考致富》(Think and Grow Rich),作者:拿破仑•希尔(1937年)
Urged by steel magnate Andrew Carnegie to research what underpins the fortunes of the world’s most powerful people, Napoleon Hill spent more than 20 years studying well-known financial front-runners. Inside he bottled “the Carnegie secret,” distilling knowledge from such captains of industry as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, and, of course, Carnegie. Among those influenced by Hill’s “philosophy of achievement” is boxer Ken Norton, who cited Hill as inspiration after defeating and breaking the jaw of Muhammad Ali. As an L.A. Times sportswriter once wrote of the match: “The credit belongs to a famous man of the past named Napoleon. Not the Emperor of France; this one is Napoleon Hill.”
拿破仑•希尔受美国钢铁大王安德鲁•卡内基鼓励,对是什么支撑着全世界最有权势者的财富进行调查,他用20多年时间研究了最知名的富翁。他在书中总结了多位行业领袖的经历,包括托马斯•爱迪生、亨利•福特、约翰•D•洛克菲勒和卡内基,破解了“卡内基的致富秘诀”。受希尔“成功哲学”影响的名人包括肯•诺顿,他在击败默罕默德•阿里并击碎他的下巴后,表示自己受到了希尔的启发。一位《洛杉矶时报》(L.A. Times)的体育记者曾这样描述这场比赛:“诺顿的胜利要归功于一位已故的名人拿破仑。他并非法国的皇帝;他是拿破仑•希尔。”