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经典科幻文学:《生命 宇宙及一切》第6章2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Deep in the fundamental heart of mind and Universe, said Slartibartfast, there is a reason.“在意识与宇宙的核心之最深处,”司拉提巴特法斯说,“有这样装修的理由。”
Ford glanced sharply around. He clearly thought this was taking an optimistic view of things.福特四处瞟来瞟去。他显然认为这能表达乐观的心态。
The interior of the flight deck was dark green, dark red, dark brown, cramped and moodily lit. Inexplicably, the resemblance to a small Italian bistro had failed to end at the hatchway. Small pools of light picked out pot plants, glazed tiles and all sorts of little unidentifiable brass things.飞船内部的舱板是暗绿、暗红和暗棕色的,在幽暗的光线下显得很局促。有一点似乎无法解释:飞船跟一个意大利小饭馆的相似性,并不只存在于舱门之外:这里有一些小小的点状灯光、用来突出那些盆栽;有光洁的瓷砖,以及各种各样难以辨认的黄铜小玩意儿。
Rafia-wrapped bottles lurked hideously in the shadows.阴影处,一些酒椰纤维裹着的瓶子,很扎眼地藏在那儿。
The instruments which had occupied Slartibartfast’s attention seemed to be mounted in the bottom of bottles which were set in concrete.吸引了司拉提巴特法斯注意力的装置,似乎就置于那些像是嵌在水泥里的瓶子底下。
Ford reached out and touched it.福特上前伸手摸了摸。
Fake concrete. Plastic. Fake bottles set in fake concrete.假的水泥。塑料的。假瓶子嵌在假水泥里。
The fundamental heart of mind and Universe can take a running jump, he thought to himself, this is rubbish. On the other hand, it could not be denied that the way the ship had moved made the Heart of Gold seem like an electric pram.意识与宇宙的核心之最深处,可以滚了。福特想。真是垃圾。另一方面,还有一点是无法否认的:与这艘飞船的飞行方式相比,黄金之心就像一架电动婴儿车。
He swung himself off the couch. He brushed himself down. He looked at Arthur who was singing quietly to himself. He looked at the screen and recognized nothing. He looked at Slartibartfast.他往沙发上重重一躺,然后顺着沙发滑了下来。他看看阿瑟,阿瑟正轻声哼着歌儿。他又看看屏幕,什么也看不出来。他又看看司拉提巴特法斯。
How far did we just travel? he said.“我们刚才飞了多远?”他问。
About… said Slartibartfast, about two thirds of the way across the Galactic disc, I would say, roughly. Yes, roughly two thirds, I think.“大约……”司拉提巴特法斯说,“大约银河系盘径的三分之二吧。我想,粗略一点的话,是的。三分之二我想。”
It’s a strange thing, said Arthur quietly, that the further and faster one travels across the Universe, the more one’s position in it seems to be largely immaterial, and one is filled with a profound, or rather emptied of a…“真是怪事,”阿瑟小声地说,“一个人在银河系里走得越远、越快,他所处的位置好象就越难以捉摸,而他就越是充满一种深刻的……或者说贫乏的……”
Yes, very strange, said Ford. Where are we going?“是的,很奇怪。”福特说,“我们要去哪儿?”
We are going, said Slartibartfast, to confront an ancient nightmare of the Universe.“我们要去,”司拉提巴特法斯说,“面对一场宇宙远古的噩梦。”
And where are you going to drop us off?“那你要在哪让我们俩下船?”
I will need your help.“我需要你们的帮助。”

Deep in the fundamental heart of mind and Universe, said Slartibartfast, there is a reason.
Ford glanced sharply around. He clearly thought this was taking an optimistic view of things.
The interior of the flight deck was dark green, dark red, dark brown, cramped and moodily lit. Inexplicably, the resemblance to a small Italian bistro had failed to end at the hatchway. Small pools of light picked out pot plants, glazed tiles and all sorts of little unidentifiable brass things.
Rafia-wrapped bottles lurked hideously in the shadows.
The instruments which had occupied Slartibartfast’s attention seemed to be mounted in the bottom of bottles which were set in concrete.
Ford reached out and touched it.
Fake concrete. Plastic. Fake bottles set in fake concrete.
The fundamental heart of mind and Universe can take a running jump, he thought to himself, this is rubbish. On the other hand, it could not be denied that the way the ship had moved made the Heart of Gold seem like an electric pram.
He swung himself off the couch. He brushed himself down. He looked at Arthur who was singing quietly to himself. He looked at the screen and recognized nothing. He looked at Slartibartfast.
How far did we just travel? he said.
About… said Slartibartfast, about two thirds of the way across the Galactic disc, I would say, roughly. Yes, roughly two thirds, I think.
It’s a strange thing, said Arthur quietly, that the further and faster one travels across the Universe, the more one’s position in it seems to be largely immaterial, and one is filled with a profound, or rather emptied of a…
Yes, very strange, said Ford. Where are we going?
We are going, said Slartibartfast, to confront an ancient nightmare of the Universe.
And where are you going to drop us off?
I will need your help.


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adj. 已占用的;使用中的;无空闲的 v. 占有(oc

confront [kən'frʌnt]


vt. 面临,对抗,遭遇

immaterial [.imə'tiəriəl]


adj. 非物质的,无形的,精神的,不重要的

rubbish ['rʌbiʃ]


n. 垃圾,废物,废话
v. 贬损

fundamental [.fʌndə'mentl]


adj. 基本的,根本的,重要的
n. 基本原

concrete ['kɔnkri:t]


adj. 具体的,实质性的,混凝土的
n. 水

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼

profound [prə'faund]


adj. 深奥的,深邃的,意义深远的

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

nightmare ['nait.mɛə]


n. 恶梦,使人极其痛苦的事情或经历,梦魇





