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Chinese tourists,besotted with image of Paris, find harsher reality

Some Chinese are targeted and attackedby thieves. Others encounter indifference or rudeness, and some vow not toreturn.


The New York Times Tourists read maps on thePont des Arts in Paris, the No. 1 destination in Europe for China's middleclass and legion of millionaires, who may have unrealistic expectations of thecity.


PARIS— Before arriving in the French capital, WuShuyun, a 56-year-old Chinese housewife, imagined Paris to be like a pristinefilm set for a romantic love story, picturing herself as a glamorous princesssurrounded by elegant Parisians, decked out, perhaps, in Chanel.Instead,Wu from Kunming in southwest China, said she was shocked by the cigarette buttsand dog manure, the rude insouciance of the locals and the gratuitous publicdisplays of affection. Though friends had warned her about thievestargeting Chinese people, she said she was nevertheless surprised when a memberof her tour group was mugged on a packed Metro car, as other riders watched."For the Chinese, France has always been romantic, mysterious anddesirable. We have been told that 'God lives in France," she said recently after a two-week tour that included stops at theEiffel Tower and Galeries Lafayette, an imposing, upscaledepartment store with stained-glass domes where tour buses stop hourly todeposit tourists for marathon shopping sessions.

"Once I realized that the Parisians wereindifferent, I made the decision: Try to make the most of this trip, but nevercome back to Paris again."

巴黎-在来到法国首都之前, 56岁的中国家庭主妇吴淑云,脑中的巴黎就像是老电影里描绘的那样是个浪漫之都,认为自己是会像迷人的公主一样被巴黎帅哥环绕,或许还能携手共赴香奈儿。恰恰相反,这位来自中国昆明的吴女士,说她被满地的烟头和狗便,还有当地人的粗鲁和莫名的热情所震撼。尽管有朋友警告他要注意专门针对中国人的小偷,他说,尽管如此,当他所在的旅游团在挤地铁时,他始终不敢相信,在其他乘客众目睽睽之下他居然被抢。“对于中国人来说,法国一直是浪漫,神秘和美妙的。我们都听说过“神都住在法国”,他说在最近的两个星期游览了埃菲尔铁塔、老佛爷百货商店、这给我留下极为深刻的印象,屋顶光彩华丽的高档百货公司,那里为了购物方便,旅游大巴每小时还跑一趟。“一旦我知道巴黎人都是那种视而不见冷漠无情,我决定:去哪旅游,都不再去巴黎了”。
Agrowing number of Chinese tourists in Paris — armed withwads of cash, typically unable to speak French and still somewhat naive aboutthe ways of the West after decades of China's relativeisolation — are falling victim to their unrealisticexpectations of the city, while also being victimized by brazen thieves whotarget them because they are easily identifiable as Asian, Chinese tourismindustry officials here say.Alarmthat Chinese tourists are at risk from bandits is so acute that the Chinesegovernment recently considered sending police officers to Paris to help protectthem. Paris tourism officials said the proposal was shelved amid concerns overhow they would operate.TheFrench capital — celebrated for its beauty, culture and savoirfaire — still retains huge allure, making it the No. 1destination in Europe for China's burgeoning middleclass and growing legion of millionaires, according to the European Federationof Chinese Tourism. Nearly 1 million Chinese tourists came to Paris last year,according to the Paris Tourism Office, spending more than 1 billion euros oneverything from Cartier watches to Michelin-starred restaurants, andoutspending both Japanese and Americans on shopping. Now, however, Paris' glittering image in China is losing its luster amid reports ofrobberies of Chinese tourists, according to Chinese newspapers and socialmedia.Agroup of 75 French luxury brands, including Louis Vuitton, Chaneland Hermès, warned last year that high-spending Chinesetourists fearful for their safety could choose to go to Italy or Britaininstead. Concerns about the consequences for the country's vaunted tourism industryhave intensified as the French economy has stagnated.
Accordingto the Paris-based European Federation of Chinese Tourism, which represents 30travel agencies catering to Chinese tourists, the number of group tours comingto the French capital has fallen 20 percent so far this year compared with2013. The Paris Tourism Office said that a 21 percent jumpin the number of Chinese tourists last year had nearly halved in 2014.Chinesenerves were already frayed after a group of 23 Chinese tourists on a tour ofEurope were attacked in March of last year in the gritty northern suburbs ofParis just hours after they landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport. The groupleader was injured, and the thieves fled with 7,500 euros — about $9,600 — passports and plane tickets.Aftersix Chinese students studying winemaking were mugged in Bordeaux threemonths later, Beijing demanded that the French government takeaction.Pierre Shi, secretary general of theEuropean Federation of Chinese Tourism, said Chinese visitors were being preyedupon because they were known to carry large amounts of cash to avoid payingmultiple currency exchange fees. Bargain-seeking Chinese tour operators werealso booking hotels in Paris'northern suburbs."Chinese tourists are attracted to Paris by the glamour, by thedesire to buy designer brands, by an image of France as acountry of philosophers and revolution,” said Shi,who runs his own travel agency, ID Travel Pro. “Butnow, they are afraid to come. Before, they wouldn'tthink twice."
面向中国游客的由30家旅游企业组成的巴黎中国旅游联合会,据该组织透漏,来法国首都的旅行团的数量同2013年相比下降了20%。巴黎旅游局说,去年中国游客数量增长了21%,而2014年的中国游客不及去年的一半。去年三月,一个由23名中国游客组成的旅行团,在他们降落巴黎北郊的戴高乐机场仅仅几小时后就遭到袭击。带队团长受轻伤,窃贼卷走了7500欧元(约合9600美元),护照以及机票。三个月后,在波尔多,当六名中国留学生被抢之后,北京强烈要求法国政府采取措施。欧洲中国旅游业联合会秘书长,皮埃尔施表示,中国游客成为下手目标,(主要)是因为都知道他们为了省下货币兑换手续费会带着大量现金。中国游客为了省钱还住远离市区的酒店里。“中国游客选择来巴黎旅游,是为了体验其独特魅力、购买名家设计产品,了解这个因哲学家和大革命而著名的国家”,“ID Travel Pro”旅行社老板说道。“以前,人们总是毫不犹豫选择来这里,可现在,他们都不敢来了。”
Psychologistswarned that Chinese tourists shaken by thieves and dashed expectations were atrisk for Paris Syndrome, a condition during which foreigners suffer depression,anxiety, feelings of persecution and even hallucinations when their rosy imagesof Champagne, majestic architecture and Monet are upended by the stresses of acity whose natives are also known for being among the unhappiest people on theplanet.Theexpression was first coined 30 years ago by a Paris-based Japanese psychiatrist, Hiroaki Ota,after several Japanese visitors to Paris fell ill when their culture ofpoliteness and reserve rubbed up against Gallic haughtiness.Otasaid in an interview in his office that because China had been closed off tothe West for so long, some Chinese travelers could be at risk for culture shockand depression when faced with the harsher realities of a city they hadover-idealized. But he noted that the Chinese were less susceptible to ParisSyndrome than the Japanese, since they were fortified by a directness and anoutsized sense of self that was similar to the French."Whereas Japanese are reserved, polite and formal, the Chinese have astrong sense of national pride like the French, and they are not shy," he said.
心理学家警告说,中国游客让小偷和失望折磨得容易患上巴黎恐惧症。当香槟,宏伟建筑和莫奈给他们带来美好印象被颠覆时,该症状就表现出抑郁,焦虑,迫害,甚至出现幻觉,他们会觉得是这个星球之上最不幸的人。首次提出这个说法(病症)的,是来自30年前,驻巴黎一位名叫Hiroaki Ota的日本精神病专家研究出来的。之前,几位到巴黎的日本游客,当他们的礼貌和含蓄碰上高卢鸡的傲慢,就病发了。Ota在他的办公室接受采访时表示,中国隔开西方这么久,当一些中国游客来到一座城市,发现这里的现实和想象中的不一样,这种反差使他们很容易受到(精神)打击而抑郁。但他指出,中国人患上巴黎综合症的要比日本人少,因为他们的坦率和自信,和法国人有点像。“相比日本人内敛,谦逊、呆板。中国人和法国人一样,有一种强烈的民族自豪感,而且都不怕羞,”他说。
ThomasDeschamps, the head of research at the Paris Tourism Office, said culture shockwas particularly prevalent among travelers from Asia, who sometimes wronglyperceived the French capital as a museum."They watch movies like 'Amélie Poulain'; they think allParisians carry Louis Vuitton purses and smell like Dior," he said. "They don'tknow about the working-class suburbs, the overworked waiters, the grittierparts of the city. Paris is not a museum. People are busy, they are stressed, theyare living their lives."Tohelp protect and reassure Chinese tourists, Deschamps said, the city has beefedup security at popular sites like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, whileinstituting warnings in Mandarin to be vigilant against pickpockets on theParis Metro.TheParis police have also introduced complaint forms in Chinese.Meanwhile,the tourism industry has redoubled its efforts to be more culturally sensitive.An online guide for hotels and businesses produced by the Chamber of Commercefor Tourism in Paris notes that for visiting Chinese, a "simple smile and hello in their language will plainly please them."Whilethieves and Gallic aloofness could be a hazard, some Chinese in Paris said theydeserved some of the blame for the French reactions theysometimes provoked."The Chinese are used to spitting. We are used to snapping ourfingers to get attention, or even yelling," said Shi,the Chinese travel agency federation chief. "But if youdo that with a French waiter, they will ignore you even more."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
psychiatrist [sai'kaiətrist]


n. 精神病医师,精神病学家

gratuitous [grə'tju:itəs]


adj. 免费的,无缘无故的

encounter [in'kauntə]


n. 意外的相见,遭遇
v. 遇到,偶然碰到,

vigilant ['vidʒilənt]


adj. 警醒的,警戒著的,警惕的

imposing [im'pəuziŋ]


adj. 令人难忘的,壮丽的 vbl. 强迫,利用

syndrome ['sindrəum]


n. 综合症,典型表现

susceptible [sə'septəbl]


adj. 易受外界影响的,易受感染的

revolution [.revə'lu:ʃən]


n. 革命,旋转,转数

affection [ə'fekʃən]


n. 慈爱,喜爱,感情,影响

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条






