The realism and utility of sex dolls took a giant leap forward in the late 90s,when artist Matt McCullen started working on a lifelike siliconefemale mannequin and documenting its progress on his website. Before long, hebegan getting emails asking if it was … anatomically correct. At the time, itwasn't. But the demand was there, and so McCullen provided the supply. Hence,the eerily lifelike RealDoll was born. After shock jock Howard Stern got holdof one and seemingly had sex with it on his radio show, McCullen's company grewquickly, and he now sells anywhere from 200 to 300 high-end customizable sexdolls per year.
Most of McCullen's dolls are female; he makes a small number of male ones, butthere are fewer options for customizing them, and they account for just 10percent of his sales. "As an artist, I was always drawn to the female form, sothat's what my subject matter was," McCullen says. “The female form was mymuse." He insists that actual women have nothing to fear from his dolls."Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Do I think the dolls will replacewomen or threaten to replace women? Absolutely not."
Two female RealDolls wait to be shipped as an employee puts thefinishing touches on a male doll. The company's founder, Matt McCullen, saysfemale dolls account for 90 percent of his sales. (AP)