The story of Pygmalion goeslike this: A sculptor carves a statue in the shape of a beautiful woman. It'sso beautiful that he falls in love with her, prays that she could become real,has his wish granted, and lives happily ever after. The tale has been reimaginedcountless times since its initial publication as part of Ovid's epic poemMetamorphoses in 8 A.D. Pinocchio, Frankenstein, My Fair Lady, and 90s makeovermovie She's All That all have their origins in that myth.
But Pygmalion's true modern heir might be Davecat, a man who lives insoutheastern Michigan with three high-end sex dolls. His first purchase, whichhe named Sidore Kuroneko, he considers his wife; the other two—named Elena andMuriel—are just intimate friends. Though he didn't sculpt them, they are hiscreations. He designed their bodies before they were manufactured and theirpersonalities after they arrived. “There was never a moment when [Sidore]—orany doll, for that matter—was merely an object to me," he told me when we spokelast year.
皮革马利翁现代版真实继任者要属戴维猫了,一个跟三只高端定制充气娃娃住在密歇根东南部的男人。订购的第一件产品,他取名为Sidore Kuroneko,他把她当做妻子,另外两个叫做埃琳娜和穆里尔的只是亲密朋友。尽管他没有雕刻她们,但他创造了她们(角色和外形)。在制造成形之前他设计了她们的身体随后才收到货物。“不论是[Sidore]还是其他娃娃,她们从来不会反抗我。”当我们去年聊天时他告诉我。
Though Davecat may be one of the most visible modern sex doll owners—with anactive blog and appearances in articles, documentaries, and TV spots—he's part ofa community called iDollators. These owners of high-end, anatomically correctdolls use them for sex, love, art, and companionship.
If Pygmalion lived in today's world, none of this would be too foreign to him.In Ovid's original story, there is some implication that the sculptor was notonly in love with the statue but that he had sex with it before it came tolife, according to The Erotic Doll, a book by Dr. Marquard Smith, the head ofdoctoral studies and the research leader at the Royal College of Art's Schoolof Humanities. Other tales of statue-love can be found throughout classicalantiquity. For example, the Greek rhetorician Athenaeus wrote of a man who hada physical love affair with a statue of Cupid. In a somewhat more recentexample, a gardener was reportedly found attempting to get it on with a replicaof the Venus de Milo in 1877.