Quick attacking play is the way
Tiki taka is dead: long live fast, thrilling aggression. The most exciting teams in the World Cup – Chile, Colombia – have played a high energy game with fluid movement. For once, it feels like the Premier League should be able to replicate the methods of international football. We were never going to pass it to death like Spain and Barcelona, but we might be able to play with the tempo and passion of a Colombia or Bayern Munich.
Tiki taka (是由“全能足球”演变而成的足球战术,其特点是短距离传送和频繁跑动,核心理念是保持控球权)已成过去。快速反击,令人毛骨悚然的倾略性进攻才是永远奏效的。智利、哥伦比亚是本届世界杯上最令人振奋的两个球队,充满正能量的比赛,流水般的攻防转换,酣畅淋漓。对于曾经的英超联赛,感觉能够复制任何国际足球最有效的战术踢法。我们不会踢Tiki taka ,不想像西班牙,巴萨那样死的那么惨,但是我们可以复制哥伦比亚和拜仁慕尼黑的速度与激情。