Shepard Fairey, the graffiti artist notorious for his depiction of President Barack Obama in a 2008 election poster, says he supports the concept for its accessibility.
“I've always used my street art to democratize art, so it would be philosophically inconsistent for me to protest art democratization through Google,” he told The New York Times through a publicist. “As long as they credit the mural to me, and it’s not being used for commercial purposes or corporations.”
Users can also be "spotters" and contribute to the project by uploading their street art photos to social media with the hashtag #StreetArtProject.
使用者们也可以成为“观察员”,拍摄他们看到的街头艺术照片,并带上hashtag #StreetArtProject上传到社交网络以对该计划做出贡献