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In a new book, The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance – What Women Should Know, two high-profile TV journalists, Claire Shipman and Katty Kay, say women are less confident than men even when they are equally competent. They cite studies that suggest this lack of confidence is getting in the way of more women getting ahead. The authors have seen it in themselves and in interviews with powerful people.

在一本名为《信心代码:女性应该掌握的自信科学与艺术》(The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance – What Women Should Know)的新书中,两位著名的电视记者克莱尔•希普曼和凯蒂•肯表示,女性不如男性那么自信,甚至当她们具备同等能力时也是如此。她们援引的众多研究显示,缺乏自信正在成为许多女性事业发展的拦路虎。这两位作者发现,这个问题不仅她们自己身上存在,就连她们采访的许多权势人物也深受其害。
As a communications coach for the last decade, I'm not surprised. I've not only seen it, but I've asked women why to help find solutions.
In the last year it seems every other week there is an article or study or survey about executive presence as a challenge for women. Executive presence -- looking and sounding like a leader -- is often a euphemism for confidence. Businesses don't approach me to help an executive because he or she lacks confidence, but because they need to "polish their presence." Nobody wants to acknowledge that their leader lacks confidence. Indeed, most often I've found they are confident in the job they do -- they just don't look it or feel deep down that they deserve success.
In my decade of coaching top executives, this is far more often the case with women.
For instance, I once worked with a well-educated executive who was dealing with her fear of speaking. When I pressed her about what exactly she was afraid of, she said she feared people would think she is not smart enough. This irrational fear was making her stiff, formal, and unemotional when she needed to emote to promote her organization's good work around the world.
And within the last year training high-potential women at several financial services firms, leaders identified two main communication challenges: First, they said women don't ask for reviews as often as men, and men were afraid of offering feedback for fear of women getting emotional or defensive. Secondly, they said women don't sit up front and participate like men. The communication challenges were holding women back. In the session, I asked the crowd for reaction. One young woman said it's hard to squeeze in or speak up in a man's club. Another said she doesn't participate because she's afraid they'll dismiss her and her ideas if she didn't have all the answers.
So how can women start feeling more confident?
I suggest clients look at a FedEx (FDX) ad -- the one where two guys say the same thing at a conference table, but the second guy is confident. The first, more junior guy floats his idea as a question, his voice goes up at the end of the statement. (Young girls listen up. That's UP speak.) As he speaks, his eyes dart around the table, he's crunched over leaning on his elbows, and he looks disheveled. The second man sits up, slightly forward. His voice goes down at the end of his thought with conviction. He looks distinctly at a few people at the table vs. scanning. The only script difference is that he leads off with a line, "Okay, how 'bout this ..." Then he pauses, and that reels in attention.
Easy enough, but here's how women can do better:
It's the way we look and look
In a decade of coaching, I can count on one hand the number of men who have been bothered by the way they look on camera, and let me assure you it's not because they all look so good. Women on the other hand cannot focus on the coaching if they feel they don't look their best. This is all understandable. It's one of the reasons I don't miss being on TV at the crack of dawn. Visually, we have more clothing and hair choices than men, and we have long been judged on our looks no matter what the job and how well you do. Ask Hilary Clinton.
Then there's the way we look, the way we see. Women tend to take in more than men. In The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work, Sally Helgesen and Julie Johnson note that women possess "broad spectrum notice." We notice the emotional reactions to an idea around the conference table, allowing us to gauge support. But that also means women are more likely to get thrown off by the one person who isn't buying what they're selling vs. a man who doesn't see or care what that guy thinks. Women are pleasers and multi-taskers. This can be a disadvantage when it comes to confidence.
再有就是我们观察周围事物的方式。女性往往比男性注意到更多东西。在《女性视野:职场女性的真实权力》(The Female Vision: Women's Real Power at Work)一书中,莎莉•赫尔格森和朱莉•约翰逊注意到,女性具有“广谱察觉”。我们可以察觉与会者对一个观点的情绪反应,以此衡量她获得的支持度。但这也意味着,女性更容易被一位并不认同自己观点的人击溃,而男性往往察觉不到、或者根本就不关心别人的看法。女性是取悦者,多面手。这可能是一个有损自信心的劣势。
The prescription in both of these cases is training yourself to freeze out your frown lines as well as the guy who is frowning and focus on positive people as well as your purpose. In a study featured in the Harvard Business Review, researchers found that executive presence can only be improved if women focused not just on their style but also on their purpose -- their reason for communicating.
应对这两种状况的处方是,尝试着冻结自己的皱眉纹,无视那个正在皱眉头的家伙,全身心地专注于反应积极的人和你自身的目的。一项刊登在《哈佛商业评论》(Harvard Business Review)的研究发现,只有当女性不仅仅看重自身形象,而且还专注于自己的目的时,她们才有望提升自己的高管风范。
Speak up, but avoid up speak and squeak
Women have a larger vocal range and when nervous tend to get high-pitched. Studies show people think lower voice tones sound more confident. After all, men have been the model for leaders for years. The fix here is recording yourself and practice using the lower range of what is normal for you. It worked for former U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and can work for you too!
Don't hold back too long or serve up too much
Women tend to hold back at the table. Like the woman at my financial services seminar, they fear they don't have all the facts. Recently I worked with a C-suite woman new to a business. She admitted she hadn't spoken up at executive meetings because she wanted to wait until she had more information. It had been two months. I suggested that she was being too cautious, too modest. She had years of related experience in another large organization. Remind them, I said, and chime in. She did.
Then, once women open up, they can be too wordy with too many qualifiers. "I think. I know there are a lot of people who have opinions more valuable than mine." Get out in the traffic and take the credit. Or in the conclusion of the Confidence Code: Take more risks and care less about pleasing and perfection
But before women get too down about an uphill battle, I suggest we think again about the aforementioned challenges:
Broad spectrum notice
Cautious/risk averse
Now, all of these tendencies can also be huge positives in short supply in corporate America. In The Female Vision, authors say more performance evaluations need to embrace and reward these traditional female strengths. So the bottom line, there are two factors to solve the crisis in confidence: Women need to lean in, and businesses need to look into revising performance criteria that value qualities naturally possessed by half the world -- qualities the world needs now.
现在,所有这些倾向也有可能成为美国企业非常欠缺、但极具积极意义的品质。《女性视野》的作者认为,绩效评估需要更多地接受并奖励这些传统的女性优点。总结一下,解决女性自信危机需要着眼于两个方面:女性需要向前一步(lean in),企业需要重新修订绩效评估标准,需要更加珍视“半边天”与生俱来的品质。要知道,这些品质恰恰是这个世界所亟需的东西。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

understandable [.ʌndə'stændəbl]


adj. 可理解的,能够懂的

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的



adj. 被识别的;经鉴定的;被认同者 v. 鉴定(id

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ]


n. 录音 动词record的现在分词

gauge [geidʒ]


n. 测量标准,轨距,口径,直径,测量仪器

corporate ['kɔ:pərit]


adj. 社团的,法人的,共同的,全体的

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

script [skript]


n. 手稿,脚本,手迹
vt. 为...

distinctly [di'stiŋktli]


adv. 清楚地,显然地,明显地


关键字: 鸿沟 信心 女性 职场




