If Lloyd Grossman were to go through the keyholes of Oscar winners’ houses, he would find their golden statues in various spots: from prime real estate such as the mantelpiece to the depths of cupboards collecting dust.
如果Lloyd Grossman有机会进入奥斯卡得主们的家中,他将会在很多不同的地方看到他们各自的小金人,从高级房产的壁炉台到积尘良久的壁橱深处,都可能看到它的身影。
Emma Thompson, a two-time winner for Howards End and Sense and Sensibility, famously keeps hers in the loo: “They look far too outré anywhere else. They’re great big, gold, shiny things.” She’s not alone – Susan Sarandon, Lionel Richie and Sean Connery all claim to keep their golden fellas alongside their bidets and baths.
艾玛·汤普森曾因影片《霍华德庄园》(Howards End)以及《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility)两次获得奥斯卡金像奖,而她把小金人放在洗手间这一做法也广为人知,她说:“放在其他地方都显得格格不入,它们太大了,又金光闪闪。”而艾玛并不是唯一一个这样做的人,苏珊·萨兰登(Susan Sarandon)、莱昂纳尔·里奇(Lionel Richie)以及肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)都称自己把小金人放在浴室等地方。
Kate Winslet is another Brit who’s opted for the loo for her best actress Academy Award, which she was awarded for her complex role as a concentration camp guard in the 2008 adaptation of Bernhard Schlink’s novel, The Reader.
凯特·温斯莱特(Kate Winslet)是另一位将其最佳女演员奖杯置于洗手间的英国演员。她因在2008年一部改编自本哈德·施林克(Bernhard Schlink)的小说《生死朗读》(The Reader)的同名影片中扮演一位集中营的看守而获此殊荣。
While Jodie Foster used to opt for the bathroom – “they looked good with the faucets” – she has since moved the two she won for The Accused and Silence of the Lambs to a much more orthodox spot: a trophy case.
朱迪·福斯特(Jodie Foster)过去也将洗手间作为最佳选择 –“它们和水龙头看起来交相辉映”–但她已经为因影片《沉默的羔羊》(The Accused and Silence of the Lambs)获得的两尊小金人找到了一个更好的归属:奖杯盒。
Traditionalists include George Clooney, whose awards – best picture for Argo and best supporting Actor for Syriana – are in his library at home, and Dustin Hoffman, whose two best actor awards – the first for Kramer vs. Kramer in 1980 and the second for Rain Man nine years later, are kept in his study.
而传统主义者诸如乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney),他因影片《逃离德黑兰》(Argo)获最佳影片奖以及在影片《辛瑞那》(Syriana )中获最佳男配角,他的奥斯卡奖杯放在家中的书房。达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)曾在1980年因影片《克莱默夫妇》(Kramer vs. Kramer) 、并在九年后因影片《雨人》(Rain Man)两次获最佳男主角奖,也将其奖杯放在书房中。
Reese Witherspoon dreamt of being a non-traditionalist, reportedly wanting to transform the best actress statue she won for Walk the Line into a door knocker or a necklace (“statement” jewellery would not have cut the mustard). Neither option being practical, however, he now stands in her living room.
瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)刚出道时大胆尝试不同戏路的演出,据报道,她曾努力将因影片《一往直前》(Walk the Line)获得的最佳女主角的奖杯制成门环或项链。但这两种方案都没能得以实现,现在,小金人就站在她的客厅里。
For all of the acceptance speech kerfuffle when Gwyneth Paltrow won best actress for her role as Viola de Lesseps in John Madden’s 1998 film Shakespeare in Love, the Hollywood star has since said she keeps the award tucked away – “the thing freaks me out”.
格温妮丝·帕特罗(Gwyneth Paltrow)曾出演《莎翁情史》(Shakespeare in Love)获最佳女主角奖,并成为好莱坞明星。为了避免在发表获奖感言时出现混乱,她却把小金人藏了起来,因为“这东西吓坏我了”。
Tom Hanks has got a slightly more level head around his. He apparently keeps his best actor awards, one each for Philadelphia and Forrest Gump, on the family trophy shelf alongside football (the English kind) trophies and a World’s Greatest Mom trophy left from a mother’s day past.
汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)的小金人一点也不孤单,他把因影片《费城故事》(Philadelphia)和《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)获最佳男主角奖而获得的小金人放在奖杯架上,周围还有足球奖杯和过去某个母亲节颁发的“全世界最伟大的母亲”奖杯。
Goldie Hawn’s award for best supporting actress in the 1970 film Cactus Flower rests somewhere altogether more zen – in the “India Room” in which she likes to meditate. Hers isn’t the only award to apparently emit good vibes – Russell Crowe’s award for best actor, which he won for his role as the bang-on-trend, leather miniskirt clad Maximus Decimus Meridius in Ridley Scott’s 2000 film Gladiator, is kept in a chicken coop on the actor’s Australian ranch. Crowe apparently thinks it helps the hens lay bigger eggs.
戈尔迪·霍恩(Goldie Hawn)曾因影片《仙人掌花》(Cactus Flower)获最佳女配角奖,她的奖杯坐落在一个非常富有禅宗气息的地方——她的“印度房间”,她常在这里冥想。她的小金人并不是唯一一个和主人有共鸣的奖杯,罗素-克洛(Russell Crowe)曾在影片《角斗士》(Gladiator)中身着罗马战士裙装,扮演了一个威猛、极具感情和个性的古罗马战士--司令官马克西姆斯,他的奖杯放在鸡舍中,因为克洛相信小金人能够保佑母鸡下出更大的鸡蛋。
The parents of a number of stars have ended up with their Oscar-winning child’s awards. Angeline Jolie’s late mum, for a number of years, had the best supporting actress award her daughter won for her role as the troubled Lisa Rowe in Girl, Interrupted. Nicole Kidman’s best actress Oscar for The Hours now sits on her parents’ mantelpiece in Sydney, where neighbours apparently pass by for visits. Hollywood’s darling du jour, Jennifer Lawrence, keeps the award she won last year for her leading role in Silver Linings Playbook on top of her parents’ piano at home in Kentucky.
很多明星获得的小金人都被放在了父母身边,安吉丽娜·朱莉(Angeline Jolie)已故的母亲多年来一直保存着女儿因影片《女生向前走》(Girl)获得的最佳女配角奖杯。妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)因影片《时时刻刻》(《The Hours》)获得了最佳女主角奖,奖杯就放在她父母家中的壁炉台上,来串门的邻居都可以看到。詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)于2013年凭借《乌云背后的幸福线》(Silver Linings Playbook)获得第85届奥斯卡最佳女主角,奖杯放在她父母家中的钢琴上。
Holly Hunter reportedly keeps her best actress award, which she won for her portrayal of Ada McGrath in the 1994 New Zealand film, The Piano, at the New York offices of Joel and Ethan Coen. It sits alongside the statue Frances McDormand won for her role as the heavily-pregnant local police chief with the insatiable appetite, Marge Gunderson, in the Coens’ 1996 film Fargo.
据报道,霍莉·亨特(Holly Hunter)因出演《钢琴课》(The Piano)获最佳女主角奖,她的小金人放在科恩兄弟纽约的办公室中,它旁边还有因出演《冰血暴》(Fargo)而获得的奖杯。
In contrast to Hunter’s, her Piano co-star Anna Paquin’s Oscar seems to have no fixed abode, flitting between her sock drawer and on the floor next to her boots.
与亨特相反,在《钢琴课》中与亨特联合主演的安娜·帕奎因(Anna Paquin),她的小金人似乎居无定所,游荡在她装袜子的抽屉和放靴子的地板之间。
Nicolas Cage certainly bucks a lot of trends. He once told media that, for residency reasons, the award he won for the 1996 film Leaving Las Vegas was “in a truck somewhere moving through Louisiana”. Apparently, one of the ways the authorities determine if you’re a resident or not – in what must be the most niche of tests – is to ask where your Academy Award is.
尼古拉斯·凯奇(Nicolas Cage)向来不随大流,他曾向媒体透露,因为居住权问题,他因影片《离开拉斯维加斯》(Leaving Las Vegas)所获得的小金人“正在某辆卡车上穿越路易斯安那州”。显然,如果政府要对你查户口,问问你的小金人在何处就可以了。
But the best answer to the Oscar statue display question comes from Timothy Hutton, the youngest person ever to win the Academy Award for best supporting actor. Hutton, who won the gold figurine for his role in Ordinary People, was apparently having a party a number of years ago. His sister popped the Oscar in the fridge alongside the beers so that guests would happen upon it en route to refreshment. The statue is apparently still in there.
蒂莫西·哈顿(Timothy Hutton)的小金人对归属问题做出了最好的答复,哈顿曾在影片《凡夫俗子》中表现十分优异,并成为奥斯卡金像奖最年轻的最佳配角奖得主。在数年前的一次聚会中,他的姐姐突然从冰箱里拿出小金人,和啤酒一起随机放在某处,使宾客们能够碰巧在路上拿到它,从而提提神。显然,现在它还在那里。