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'I have approached a painful subject,' he said, in a soft regretful tone of voice, irreconcilable with his eager eye. 'Pray forgive me. I forget these chains of association in the interest I have. Pray forgive me.'

But for all he said, his eager eye scanned Mr Dombey's downcast face none the less closely; and then it shot a strange triumphant look at the picture, as appealing to it to bear witness how he led him on again, and what was coming.可是不管他说些什么,他的热切的眼睛仍旧像先前一样密切地细细观察着董贝先生的忧闷不乐的脸孔;然后他向那张图画投了一道奇怪的、扬扬得意的眼光,好像请求她来当见证人,看他怎样又重新引导他,并看又会发生些什么事情。
Carker,' said Mr Dombey, looking here and there upon the table, and saying in a somewhat altered and more hurried voice, and with a paler lip, 'there is no occasion for apology. You mistake. The association is with the matter in hand, and not with any recollection, as you suppose. I do not approve of Mrs Dombey's behaviour towards my daughter.'“卡克,”董贝先生向桌子上这里看看,那里看看,张开更加苍白的嘴唇,用有些改变了的和更加急促的说道:“没有什么您需要道歉的理由。您误会了。联想是由于眼前发生的事情而引起的,并不是像您所猜想,是由于任何回忆而引起的。我不赞成董贝夫人对待我女儿的态度。”
'Pardon me,' said Mr Carker, 'I don't quite understand.'“请原谅,”卡克先生说道,”我不很理解。”
'Understand then,' returned Mr Dombey, 'that you may make that - that you will make that, if you please - matter of direct objection from me to Mrs Dombey. You will please to tell her that her show of devotion for my daughter is disagreeable to me. It is likely to be noticed. It is likely to induce people to contrast Mrs Dombey in her relation towards my daughter, with Mrs Dombey in her relation towards myself. You will have the goodness to let Mrs Dombey know, plainly, that I object to it; and that I expect her to defer, immediately, to my objection. Mrs Dombey may be in earnest, or she may be pursuing a whim, or she may be opposing me; but I object to it in any case, and in every case. If Mrs Dombey is in earnest, so much the less reluctant should she be to desist; for she will not serve my daughter by any such display. If my wife has any superfluous gentleness, and duty over and above her proper submission to me, she may bestow them where she pleases, perhaps; but I will have submission first! - Carker,' said Mr Dombey, checking the unusual emotion with which he had spoken, and falling into a tone more like that in which he was accustomed to assert his greatness, 'you will have the goodness not to omit or slur this point, but to consider it a very important part of your instructions.'“那就请理解吧,”董贝先生回答道,”您可以--不,您必须向董贝夫人转达我对这件事的反对意见。请您告诉她,她向我女儿显示的热爱,使我感到不愉快。这种热爱很可能引起人们的注意。这很可能促使人们把董贝夫人跟我女儿的关系和董贝夫人跟我的关系加以对比。劳驾您让董贝夫人清楚地知道,我反对这一点。我期望她立即尊重我的反对意见。董贝夫人可能是真心真意热爱她,也可能这只是她的一种古怪脾气,也可能她是要反对我;但不论是什么情况,我都反对这一点。如果董贝夫人是真心真意热爱她的话,那么她就更应当高高兴兴、毫不勉强地停止这样做,因为她的任何这种显示对我的女儿都没有什么益处。如果我的妻子除了对我正当地表示顺从外,还有多余的温柔与关怀,那么她也许就可以随自己的心意,爱赏锡给谁就赏赐给谁;但我首先要求的是顺从!卡克,”董贝先生抑制一下他说这些话时的不寻常的激动情绪,恢复了他为维护他的崇高身份所习惯采用的声调,说道,”烦请您务必不要忘记或忽略这一点,而应当把它作为您所接受的指示中的很重要的部分。”
Mr Carker bowed his head, and rising from the table, and standing thoughtfully before the fire, with his hand to his smooth chin, looked down at Mr Dombey with the evil slyness of some monkish carving, half human and half brute; or like a leering face on an old water-spout. Mr Dombey, recovering his composure by degrees, or cooling his emotion in his sense of having taken a high position, sat gradually stiffening again, and looking at the parrot as she swung to and fro, in her great wedding ring.卡克先生点了点头,从桌子旁边站起来,沉思地站在壁炉前面,并用手支托着光滑的下巴,从上往下看着董贝先生;那副阴险狡猾的样子就像是那半人半兽的猿猴雕刻,或者像是古老水落管上斜眼瞅着的脸孔。董贝先生逐渐恢复了镇静,或者由于意识到自己的高贵身份而使激动的情绪冷静下来,坐在那里,变得生硬呆板,并看着鹦鹉在大结婚戒指中来回摇荡。
'I beg your pardon,' said Carker, after a silence, suddenly resuming his chair, and drawing it opposite to Mr Dombey's, 'but let me understand. Mrs Dombey is aware of the probability of your making me the organ of your displeasure?'“请原谅,”卡克沉默了一些时候,忽然又坐到椅子中,并把它拉到董贝先生椅子的对面,说道,”可是请让我弄明白,董贝夫人知道您可能利用我,向她转达您对她的不满吗?”
'Yes,' replied Mr Dombey. 'I have said so.'“是的,”董贝先生回答道,”我已经这样说过了。”

'I have approached a painful subject,' he said, in a soft regretful tone of voice, irreconcilable with his eager eye. 'Pray forgive me. I forget these chains of association in the interest I have. Pray forgive me.'
But for all he said, his eager eye scanned Mr Dombey's downcast face none the less closely; and then it shot a strange triumphant look at the picture, as appealing to it to bear witness how he led him on again, and what was coming.
Carker,' said Mr Dombey, looking here and there upon the table, and saying in a somewhat altered and more hurried voice, and with a paler lip, 'there is no occasion for apology. You mistake. The association is with the matter in hand, and not with any recollection, as you suppose. I do not approve of Mrs Dombey's behaviour towards my daughter.'
'Pardon me,' said Mr Carker, 'I don't quite understand.'
'Understand then,' returned Mr Dombey, 'that you may make that - that you will make that, if you please - matter of direct objection from me to Mrs Dombey. You will please to tell her that her show of devotion for my daughter is disagreeable to me. It is likely to be noticed. It is likely to induce people to contrast Mrs Dombey in her relation towards my daughter, with Mrs Dombey in her relation towards myself. You will have the goodness to let Mrs Dombey know, plainly, that I object to it; and that I expect her to defer, immediately, to my objection. Mrs Dombey may be in earnest, or she may be pursuing a whim, or she may be opposing me; but I object to it in any case, and in every case. If Mrs Dombey is in earnest, so much the less reluctant should she be to desist; for she will not serve my daughter by any such display. If my wife has any superfluous gentleness, and duty over and above her proper submission to me, she may bestow them where she pleases, perhaps; but I will have submission first! - Carker,' said Mr Dombey, checking the unusual emotion with which he had spoken, and falling into a tone more like that in which he was accustomed to assert his greatness, 'you will have the goodness not to omit or slur this point, but to consider it a very important part of your instructions.'
Mr Carker bowed his head, and rising from the table, and standing thoughtfully before the fire, with his hand to his smooth chin, looked down at Mr Dombey with the evil slyness of some monkish carving, half human and half brute; or like a leering face on an old water-spout. Mr Dombey, recovering his composure by degrees, or cooling his emotion in his sense of having taken a high position, sat gradually stiffening again, and looking at the parrot as she swung to and fro, in her great wedding ring.
'I beg your pardon,' said Carker, after a silence, suddenly resuming his chair, and drawing it opposite to Mr Dombey's, 'but let me understand. Mrs Dombey is aware of the probability of your making me the organ of your displeasure?'
'Yes,' replied Mr Dombey. 'I have said so.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
whim [wim]


n. 一时的兴致,突然的念头;奇想,幻想

opposing [ə'pəuziŋ]


adj. 反作用的,反向的,相反的,对立的 动词oppo

displeasure [dis'pleʒə]


n. 不愉快,不高兴

omit [əu'mit]


vt. 省略,删去,遗漏

defer [di'fə:]


vt. 延期,缓召,把 ... 委托给他人

recollection [.rekə'lekʃən]


n. 记忆,回想,回忆

tone [təun]


n. 音调,语气,品质,调子,色调
vt. 使

composure [kəm'pəuʒə]


n. 镇静,沉著

slur [slə:]


n. 诽谤,耻辱,污点,污迹 n. [音]连音符 v.

display [di'splei]


n. 显示,陈列,炫耀
vt. 显示,表现,夸





