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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'Is it so?' returned Carker. 'Do you know better than anyone, that you have no need to ask?'

'Then I hope, Carker,' said Mr Dombey, 'that your regret in the acquisition of Mrs Dombey's displeasure, may be almost counterbalanced by your satisfaction in retaining my confidence and good opinion.'“卡克,”董贝先生说道,”您虽然由于招致董贝夫人的不满而感到遗憾,但是您由于保持我的信任与好感是会感到高兴的,因为,我希望,您的高兴可能几乎会抵消您的遗憾。”
'I have the misfortune, I find,' returned Carker, 'to have incurred that displeasure. Mrs Dombey has expressed it to you?'“我觉得,我已不幸地招致了这种不满,”卡克回答道,”董贝夫人已向您表示过了吧?”
'Mrs Dombey has expressed various opinions,' said Mr Dombey, with majestic coldness and indifference, 'in which I do not participate, and which I am not inclined to discuss, or to recall. I made Mr's Dombey acquainted, some time since, as I have already told you, with certain points of domestic deference and submission on which I felt it necessary to insist. I failed to convince Mrs Dombey of the expediency of her immediately altering her conduct in those respects, with a view to her own peace and welfare, and my dignity; and I informed Mrs Dombey that if I should find it necessary to object or remonstrate again, I should express my opinion to her through yourself, my confidential agent.'“董贝夫人表示过各种意见,”董贝先生用威严的、冷淡的、漠不关心的语气说道,”我没有参与这些意见,也不打算讨论或回忆它们。我已跟您说过,不久以前我向董贝夫人提出一些意见,要求她在家庭生活中保持应有的尊敬与顺从,这些意见我认为是有必要坚持的。我没有说服董贝夫人,为了她自己的安宁、幸福以及我的尊严,她有必要立即改变她在这些方面的行为;我告诉董贝夫人,如果我认为有必要再次提出反对或抗议的时候,那么我将通过您,我亲信的助手,来转达我的意见。”
Blended with the look that Carker bent upon him, was a devilish look at the picture over his head, that struck upon it like a flash of lightning.卡克在向他投出的眼光中,还夹杂着一道邪恶的眼光,越过他的头顶,像闪电一般落在图画上面。
'Now, Carker,' said Mr Dombey, 'I do not hesitate to say to you that I will carry my point. I am not to be trifled with. Mrs Dombey must understand that my will is law, and that I cannot allow of one exception to the whole rule of my life. You will have the goodness to undertake this charge, which, coming from me, is not unacceptable to you, I hope, whatever regret you may politely profess - for which I am obliged to you on behalf of Mrs Dombey; and you will have the goodness, I am persuaded, to discharge it as exactly as any other commission.'“现在,卡克,”董贝先生说道,”我毫不迟疑地跟您说,我一定要实现我的主张。我不是个被随意小看的人,董贝夫人必须懂得,我的意志就是法律,在我的全部生活规则中我不允许有一个例外。我想劳驾您去执行这项使命。既然这是我的委托,我希望它对您并不是不可接受的,不管您会礼貌地表示什么遗憾--对于这一点,我代表董贝夫人向您表示感谢;我相信,您一定肯帮忙,像完成其他各项任务一样,准确地去完成它。”
'You know,' said Mr Carker, 'that you have only to command me.“您知道,”卡克先生说道,”您只需命令我就行了。”
'I know,' said Mr Dombey, with a majestic indication of assent, 'that I have only to command you. It is necessary that I should proceed in this. Mrs Dombey is a lady undoubtedly highly qualified, in many respects, to -“我知道,”董贝先生威风凛凛地表示同意,说道,”我只需命令您就行了。我认为有必要采取另一些步骤。董贝夫人在许多方面无疑是赋有高超资质的一位夫人--”
'To do credit even to your choice,' suggested Carker, with a yawning show of teeth.“甚至对您的选择也是增添了光彩的,”卡克先生讨好地露出牙齿,说道。

'Is it so?' returned Carker. 'Do you know better than anyone, that you have no need to ask?'
'Then I hope, Carker,' said Mr Dombey, 'that your regret in the acquisition of Mrs Dombey's displeasure, may be almost counterbalanced by your satisfaction in retaining my confidence and good opinion.'
'I have the misfortune, I find,' returned Carker, 'to have incurred that displeasure. Mrs Dombey has expressed it to you?'
'Mrs Dombey has expressed various opinions,' said Mr Dombey, with majestic coldness and indifference, 'in which I do not participate, and which I am not inclined to discuss, or to recall. I made Mr's Dombey acquainted, some time since, as I have already told you, with certain points of domestic deference and submission on which I felt it necessary to insist. I failed to convince Mrs Dombey of the expediency of her immediately altering her conduct in those respects, with a view to her own peace and welfare, and my dignity; and I informed Mrs Dombey that if I should find it necessary to object or remonstrate again, I should express my opinion to her through yourself, my confidential agent.'
Blended with the look that Carker bent upon him, was a devilish look at the picture over his head, that struck upon it like a flash of lightning.
'Now, Carker,' said Mr Dombey, 'I do not hesitate to say to you that I will carry my point. I am not to be trifled with. Mrs Dombey must understand that my will is law, and that I cannot allow of one exception to the whole rule of my life. You will have the goodness to undertake this charge, which, coming from me, is not unacceptable to you, I hope, whatever regret you may politely profess - for which I am obliged to you on behalf of Mrs Dombey; and you will have the goodness, I am persuaded, to discharge it as exactly as any other commission.'
'You know,' said Mr Carker, 'that you have only to command me.
'I know,' said Mr Dombey, with a majestic indication of assent, 'that I have only to command you. It is necessary that I should proceed in this. Mrs Dombey is a lady undoubtedly highly qualified, in many respects, to -
'To do credit even to your choice,' suggested Carker, with a yawning show of teeth.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dignity ['digniti]


n. 尊严,高贵,端庄

exception [ik'sepʃən]


n. 除外,例外,[律]异议,反对

majestic [mə'dʒestik]


adj. 宏伟的,高贵的,壮丽的

assent [ə'sent]


n. 同意,赞成 vi. 赞成

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

discharge [dis'tʃɑ:dʒ]


v. 放出,解雇,放电,解除,清偿债务

convince [kən'vins]


vt. 使确信,使信服,说服

acquisition [.ækwi'ziʃən]


n. 获得,所获之物

participate [pɑ:'tisipeit]


vt. 分享
vi. 参加,参与

conduct [kən'dʌkt]


n. 行为,举动,品行
v. 引导,指挥,管理





