Last year ended as it began: with managers trapped in religious arguments.
In January 2013 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that one employee had a right to wear a cross at work while another did not. And at the end of December, Marks and Spencer, the UK retailer, faced boycott threats when a Muslim employee insisted customers go to a different till to pay for alcohol.
去年1月,欧洲人权法院(European Court of Human Rights)裁定一名雇员有权在工作时佩戴十字架饰品,同时裁定另一名雇员无权这样做。而在去年12月底,英国零售商马莎百货(Marks and Spencer)面临受到抵制的威胁,起因是一名穆斯林雇员坚持让买酒的顾客到别的收银台去结账。
These were British disputes but they resonated widely, reported from New York to Shanghai.
My sympathy is with the managers: they are asked to judge questions that divide religious scholars while politicians and a febrile press inflame these workplace disputes to spread their own toxins.
Does the Muslim prohibition on consuming alcohol or pork mean employees can’t touch them, even when they are sealed in glass or plastic? Anyone walking through a supermarket can see Muslims who have no problem sliding these products past the barcode readers. For those who do have a problem, M&S says it has long had a policy of placing them in the clothing department or bakery instead. It told the Jewish Chronicle that it did the same with Jewish staff who did not want to handle pork or seafood.
穆斯林禁止饮酒和食用猪肉,是否意味着穆斯林雇员不能触碰这些东西,即使封装在玻璃或塑料容器中也不行?任何逛超市的人都能看到不介意拿起这些产品在条形码阅读器上一扫而过的穆斯林雇员。对于那些介意的穆斯林雇员,马莎表示,公司很早就制定了一项政策,也就是将他们安排到服装部或烘焙专区。马莎告诉《犹太纪事报》(Jewish Chronicle),对于不想经手猪肉或海产品的犹太雇员,公司采取了同样的做法。
To employ someone on a checkout who would not deal with all customers equally was a mistake, as M&S admitted – but that did not prevent an outpouring of press bile, and suggestions that customers were ready to take their business elsewhere.
When these disputes flare, companies find themselves caught in culture wars that have little connection with their businesses. The result is that nuance is lost, along with any recognition of companies’ efforts to behave reasonably.
Take the case of the British Airways employee allegedly sent home from work for wearing a cross, one of the subjects of the human rights ruling I mentioned earlier.
就拿英国航空(British Airways)那名据称因工作时佩戴十字架饰品而被停职的雇员来说吧,她是我上面提到的有关人权裁定的对象之一。
This was portrayed, once again, as an example of how companies strive to accommodate every religious whim – unless it is Christian.
What happened was different. In 2004 BA introduced new uniforms, including an open-necked blouse for women, to be worn without jewellery. Any adornment for “mandatory religious reasons” was to be covered up if possible, but allowing male Sikhs to wear turbans, and bracelets with shorts sleeves during hot weather, and female Muslims to wear headscarves.
For two years, the complainant, an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian, wore a cross under her clothing. Neither she, nor any member of the 30,000-strong BA uniformed workforce complained.
案件的原告——一名生于埃及的科普特基督徒(Coptic Christian)——两年来在制服下佩戴了一枚十字架饰品。她和其他3万名身着英航制服的雇员都未对公司的相关政策有过怨言。
In 2006 she started wearing her cross above her uniform and when she refused her manager’s request to put it back under her clothes, was sent home without pay. BA offered her a non-uniformed job, where she could wear her cross openly, which she refused. Shortly after that, the company reviewed its policy and announced that staff could wear a cross or Star of David openly.
2006年,她开始将十字架饰品戴在制服上面。在她拒绝上司要她把饰品放回到衣服下面的请求后,公司停了她的职,而且不向她发放任何薪水。英航向她提供了一个不需要穿制服的岗位,在那里她可以公开佩戴她的十字架饰品,但她拒绝了。此后不久,英航检讨了相关政策,宣布雇员可公开佩戴十字架饰品或大卫之星(Star of David)。
The employee claimed she had been treated unreasonably – and lost at every stage in the UK, from the employment tribunal to the Supreme Court.
这名雇员称,她之前受到了不合理的对待,而且在英国的每一级裁判机构——从劳资审裁处(Employment Tribunal)到最高法院(Supreme Court)——均输掉了官司。
However, the European court decided that, as responsive as BA had been, its earlier ban had been disproportionate – a ruling greeted with joy by the politicians and newspapers who usually regard the court’s rulings as the work of the devil.
At the same time, the court dismissed a claim from a nurse who had protested against her hospital’s insistence that she remove the cross from around her neck, in line with a rule that no chains or Sikh bracelets be worn in case a geriatric patient grabbed one. She had refused her managers’ suggestion that she wear her cross as a brooch instead.
Most workplace disputes do not come to this because most people are reasonable. Managers try to accommodate their employees’ requests, whether religious or personal, and most employees accept compromises and try to make it easier for their companies to help them.
When these exceptional incidents hit the headlines, it is usually because someone wants them to for reasons that have nothing to do with work.
It would be nice to think that managers will be spared the consequences in 2014 but I doubt that they will.