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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Yes, thank you Slartibartfast," said Benji mouse sharply, "you may go." "What? Oh ... er, very well," said the old man, slightly taken aback, "I'll just go and get on with some of my fjords then." "Ah, well in fact that won't be necessary," said Frankie mouse. "It looks very much as if we won't be needing the new Earth any longer." He swivelled his pink little eyes. "Not now that we have found a native of the planet who was there seconds before it was destroyed."'哦,谢谢你,斯拉提巴特法斯特。“本吉老鼠随口说,”你可以走了。“”什么?嗯……嗯,好吧。“老人说,向后退了一小步,”我这就走,回去继续做我的海湾。“”哦,好的,不过实际上已经没那个必要了。“弗兰克老鼠说,”看样子我们极有可能不再需要一颗新的地球。“他转了转他那粉红色的小眼珠,”既然我们已经找到了一个那颗行星的原住民,在它毁灭的前几秒钟他就在那上面。
"What?" cried Slartibartfast, aghast. "You can't mean that! I've got a thousand glaciers poised and ready to roll over Africa!" "Well perhaps you can take a quick skiing holiday before you dismantle them," said Frankie, acidly.“什么?”“斯拉提巴特法斯特惊诧的叫了起来,”这不会是真的吧!我已经做好了上千条的冰川,准备用它们去碾压非洲大陆!“”是吗,那你也许可以度一个滑雪假,在你分解掉它们之前。“弗兰克嘲弄的说。
"Skiing holiday!" cried the old man. "Those glaciers are works of art! Elegantly sculptured contours, soaring pinnacles of ice, deep majestic ravines! It would be sacrilege to go skiing on high art!"“滑雪假!”老人叫道,“那些冰川可都是艺术品!精心雕刻的轮廓、高耸的雪峰、壮阔的峡谷!在这样的高雅艺术品上滑雪简直就是一种亵渎!”
"Thank you Slartibartfast," said Benji firmly. "That will be all."“谢谢你了,斯拉提巴特法斯特。”本吉坚定的说,“就这样吧。”

"Yes, thank you Slartibartfast," said Benji mouse sharply, "you may go." "What? Oh ... er, very well," said the old man, slightly taken aback, "I'll just go and get on with some of my fjords then." "Ah, well in fact that won't be necessary," said Frankie mouse. "It looks very much as if we won't be needing the new Earth any longer." He swivelled his pink little eyes. "Not now that we have found a native of the planet who was there seconds before it was destroyed."
"What?" cried Slartibartfast, aghast. "You can't mean that! I've got a thousand glaciers poised and ready to roll over Africa!" "Well perhaps you can take a quick skiing holiday before you dismantle them," said Frankie, acidly.
"Skiing holiday!" cried the old man. "Those glaciers are works of art! Elegantly sculptured contours, soaring pinnacles of ice, deep majestic ravines! It would be sacrilege to go skiing on high art!"
"Thank you Slartibartfast," said Benji firmly. "That will be all."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

poised [pɔizd]


adj. 泰然自若的,镇定的;摆好姿势不动的,静止的;平

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

majestic [mə'dʒestik]


adj. 宏伟的,高贵的,壮丽的





