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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
White Mason gazed at my friend as the little village practitioner looks at the Harley Street specialist who by a word can solve the difficulties that perplex him.怀特·梅森紧盯着我的朋友,就好象一个小小的农村开业医生望着哈利街的专家一样,这个专家一句话就可以解开使他感到困惑不解的所有疑难问题。
"That is very helpful, Mr. Holmes. No doubt you are right. Wonderful! Wonderful! Do you carry the names of all the gun makers in the world in your memory?"“福尔摩斯先生,这是很有用的。你说得一点也不错。奇怪!奇怪!难道你把世界上所有军火制造厂的名字都记住了吗?”
Holmes dismissed the subject with a wave.福尔摩斯挥挥手,岔开了这个话题。
"No doubt it is an American shotgun," White Mason continued. "I seem to have read that a sawed-off shotgun is a weapon used in some parts of America. Apart from the name upon the barrel, the idea had occurred to me. There is some evidence then, that this man who entered the house and killed its master was an American."“这支枪无疑是一支美洲火枪,"怀特·梅森继续说道,“我似乎在书上看到过记载,截短的火枪是在美洲某些地区使用的一种武器。撇开枪管上的名字不谈,我想到一个问题,有些迹象证明:进到屋里并杀死主人的是一个美国人。”
MacDonald shook his head. "Man, you are surely travelling overfast," said he. "I have heard no evidence yet that any stranger was ever in the house at all."麦克唐纳摇了摇头说道:“老兄,你实在想得太远了。我还根本没有听到过什么证据,说明这所庄园里有外人进来过呢。”
"The open window, the blood on the sill, the queer card, the marks of boots in the corner, the gun!"“这大开的窗户、窗台上的血迹、奇怪的名片、墙角的长统靴印及这支火枪又怎么说呢?”
"Nothing there that could not have been arranged. Mr. Douglas was an American, or had lived long in America. So had Mr. Barker. You don't need to import an American from outside in order to account for American doings."“那里的一切没有什么不可以伪造的。道格拉斯先生是个美国人,或者说曾长期住在美国。巴克先生也是如此。你没有必要从外边弄个美国人来为你所见到的一些美国人的作为寻求解答。”
"Ames, the butler--"“那个管家艾姆斯……”
"What about him? Is he reliable?"“他怎么样?可靠吗?”
"Ten years with Sir Charles Chandos--as solid as a rock. He has been with Douglas ever since he took the Manor House five years ago. He has never seen a gun of this sort in the house."“他在查尔斯·钱多斯爵士那里呆过十年,非常可靠。他是在五年前道格拉斯买下这座庄园时到这里来的。他在庄园里从来没见过一杆这样的枪。”
"The gun was made to conceal. That's why the barrels were sawed. It would fit into any box. How could he swear there was no such gun in the house?"“这枪已经被改造得便于隐藏了。枪管就是为此而截断的,任何箱子都装得进,他怎么能发誓说庄园中没有这样的枪呢?”
"Well, anyhow, he had never seen one."“啊,不管怎么说,他确实从来没有见到过啊。”
MacDonald shook his obstinate Scotch head. "I'm not convinced yet that there was ever anyone in the house," said he. "I'm asking you to conseedar" (his accent became more Aberdonian as he lost himself in his argument) "I'm asking you to conseedar what it involves if you suppose that this gun was ever brought into the house, and that all these strange things were done by a person from outside. Oh, man, it's just inconceivable! It's clean against common sense! I put it to you, Mr. Holmes, judging it by what we have heard."麦克唐纳摇了摇他那天生固执的苏格兰人的脑袋。
"Well, state your case, Mr. Mac," said Holmes in his most judicial style.“我还不能相信有什么外人到房子里来过。我请你考虑考虑,"每当麦克唐纳辩论输了的时候,他的阿伯丁口音就变得更重了,“你假设这支枪是从外面带进来的,并且所有这些怪事是一个外来人干的。我请你考虑一下,你这样的假设会产生什么样的影响。啊,老兄,这简直不可思议!这也完全不合乎一般常识啊。福尔摩斯先生,我向你提出这个问题来。请根据我们所听到的一切判断一下吧。”
"The man is not a burglar, supposing that he ever existed. The ring business and the card point to premeditated murder for some private reason. Very good. Here is a man who slips into a house with the deliberate intention of committing murder. He knows, if he knows anything, that he will have a deeficulty in making his escape, as the house is surrounded with water. What weapon would he choose? You would say the most silent in the world. Then he could hope when the deed was done to slip quickly from the window, to wade the moat, and to get away at his leisure. That's understandable. But is it understandable that he should go out of his way to bring with him the most noisy weapon he could select, knowing well that it will fetch every human being in the house to the spot as quick as they can run, and that it is all odds that he will be seen before he can get across the moat? Is that credible, Mr. Holmes?"“好,麦克先生,讲讲你的理由吧,"福尔摩斯以一种非常公平的口气说。
"Well, you put the case strongly," my friend replied thoughtfully. "It certainly needs a good deal of justification. May I ask, Mr. White Mason, whether you examined the farther side of the moat at once to see if there were any signs of the man having climbed out from the water?"“假定凶手存在的话,他决不是一个盗窃犯。那只戒指和那张卡片都说明这是出于某种私怨的预谋凶杀案。好,有一个人溜进屋中,蓄意谋杀。他懂得,假如他还懂得点事理的话,他要逃跑是很困难的,因为房子周围全是水。他要选择什么样的武器呢?你一定会说他要的是世界上声音最小的武器。这样他才能指望事成以后,很快就穿过窗户,蹚过护城河,从容不平地逃跑。这是完全可以理解的。可是如果他竟然带着他能选择的发声最大的武器,明知枪声一响,全庄园的人很快就能跑到出事地点,大半在他蹚过护城河以前,人们就会发现他,难道这是可以理解的吗?福尔摩斯先生,这都是可信的吗?”“好,你的理由很充分,"我的朋友若有所思地回答道,“确实需要有大量的理由来证明。怀特·梅森先生,请问,你当时是否立刻到护城河对岸去查过有没有人蹚水上岸的痕迹?”
"There were no signs, Mr. Holmes. But it is a stone ledge, and one could hardly expect them."“福尔摩斯先生,那里没有痕迹。不过对面是石岸,很难设想能找到什么痕迹。”

White Mason gazed at my friend as the little village practitioner looks at the Harley Street specialist who by a word can solve the difficulties that perplex him.
"That is very helpful, Mr. Holmes. No doubt you are right. Wonderful! Wonderful! Do you carry the names of all the gun makers in the world in your memory?"
Holmes dismissed the subject with a wave.
"No doubt it is an American shotgun," White Mason continued. "I seem to have read that a sawed-off shotgun is a weapon used in some parts of America. Apart from the name upon the barrel, the idea had occurred to me. There is some evidence then, that this man who entered the house and killed its master was an American."
MacDonald shook his head. "Man, you are surely travelling overfast," said he. "I have heard no evidence yet that any stranger was ever in the house at all."
"The open window, the blood on the sill, the queer card, the marks of boots in the corner, the gun!"
"Nothing there that could not have been arranged. Mr. Douglas was an American, or had lived long in America. So had Mr. Barker. You don't need to import an American from outside in order to account for American doings."
"Ames, the butler--"
"What about him? Is he reliable?"
"Ten years with Sir Charles Chandos--as solid as a rock. He has been with Douglas ever since he took the Manor House five years ago. He has never seen a gun of this sort in the house."
"The gun was made to conceal. That's why the barrels were sawed. It would fit into any box. How could he swear there was no such gun in the house?"
"Well, anyhow, he had never seen one."
MacDonald shook his obstinate Scotch head. "I'm not convinced yet that there was ever anyone in the house," said he. "I'm asking you to conseedar" (his accent became more Aberdonian as he lost himself in his argument) "I'm asking you to conseedar what it involves if you suppose that this gun was ever brought into the house, and that all these strange things were done by a person from outside. Oh, man, it's just inconceivable! It's clean against common sense! I put it to you, Mr. Holmes, judging it by what we have heard."
"Well, state your case, Mr. Mac," said Holmes in his most judicial style.
"The man is not a burglar, supposing that he ever existed. The ring business and the card point to premeditated murder for some private reason. Very good. Here is a man who slips into a house with the deliberate intention of committing murder. He knows, if he knows anything, that he will have a deeficulty in making his escape, as the house is surrounded with water. What weapon would he choose? You would say the most silent in the world. Then he could hope when the deed was done to slip quickly from the window, to wade the moat, and to get away at his leisure. That's understandable. But is it understandable that he should go out of his way to bring with him the most noisy weapon he could select, knowing well that it will fetch every human being in the house to the spot as quick as they can run, and that it is all odds that he will be seen before he can get across the moat? Is that credible, Mr. Holmes?"
"Well, you put the case strongly," my friend replied thoughtfully. "It certainly needs a good deal of justification. May I ask, Mr. White Mason, whether you examined the farther side of the moat at once to see if there were any signs of the man having climbed out from the water?"
"There were no signs, Mr. Holmes. But it is a stone ledge, and one could hardly expect them."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
deed [di:d]


n. 事迹,行为,[法]契约
vt. 立契转让

reliable [ri'laiəbl]


adj. 可靠的,可信的

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

import [im'pɔ:t]


n. 进口,进口商品,意义
v. 进口,输入

justification [.dʒʌstifi'keiʃən]


n. 辩护,证明正当,释罪
[计算机] 对齐

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

scotch [skɔtʃ]


n. 伤口,刻痕 v. 粉碎,消灭,阻止 v. 弄伤,刻

escape [is'keip]


v. 逃跑,逃脱,避开
n. 逃跑,逃脱,(逃

sill [sil]


n. 基石(岩床,底面)

intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的





