2013 was a big year for game consoles, and it shows in global Google searches. "PlayStation 4" was Google's No.9 most searched term in 2013. CNET Reviews says the PlayStation 4 "serves up dazzling graphics, runs on a simplified and logical interface, and boasts a fantastic controller. It's also $100 cheaper than rival Xbox One and has the upper hand on indie and day one digital-only offerings." 2013年也是游戏机大丰收的一年,同时它的流行也体现在了谷歌搜索上。2013年,PS4游戏机成为了谷歌第九大搜索热词。 CNET科技资讯声称,PS4游戏机提供了令人眼花缭乱的显卡,在一个简单的逻辑接口上运行着,并且还自诩这是非常完美的控制器。同时它也比它的竞争对手Xbox便宜了100美元,提供更高级的服务。 来源:可可英语 //www.utensil-race.com/read/201312/269586.shtml