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There is no more terrifying speech to make than a toast, because none is more prone to disaster. Even Mark Twain, at the height of his fame, confessed that he 'was in awful terror' as he climbed onto a table to toast Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.

再没有比致祝酒辞更令人恐怖的讲话了,因为它极易酿成一场灾难。就连马克?吐温在如日中天时也承认,当他爬上一张桌子向尤利西斯?S?格兰特(Ulysses S. Grant)将军敬酒时,他“感到心惊胆寒”。
The 14 speakers who went before Twain that night had taken more than six hours. In an age where the only other entertainment option was picking lice off a mule, listening to speeches was the equivalent of going to an Arcade Fire concert.
当晚在马克?吐温之前致辞的14个人花了逾六小时时间。在那个时代,除了演讲,其他娱乐活动就只有从骡子身上抓虱子,听演讲就相当于参加一场拱廊之火(Arcade Fire)摇滚乐队的音乐会。
Today, however, we live in a world of diversions. I often find myself telling my kids, 'Get off your phone and watch the TV!' Given our communal attention deficit, the pressure has mounted on toasts to be fast, funny and heartfelt as hell. Plus the stakes are higher: Your talk will likely appear on YouTube for the rest of time, popping up when the person you just met through OkCupid Googles your name.
So here are some tips to navigate the toasting minefield.
1. Don't make it about you. The sneaky insertion of self-congratulation is the Speech-Transmitted Disease of our times. For instance, 'Years ago I was marching up the ladder at P&G and Jon supported my idea of adding a touch of gunpowder to Attack Body Spray. The success of Attack led to my becoming V.P. of Teen Odor Control. That's the kind of guy Jon is.'
1. 不要自吹自擂。借致辞之机偷偷自我吹嘘一番,是我们这个时代的“讲话传播病”。例如:“很多年前我在宝洁(P&G)打拼的时候,乔恩(Jon)支持我在攻击牌身体喷雾(Attack Body Spray)里加一点火药的想法。攻击牌的成功让我成为青少年体味控制(Teen Odor Control)部门副总裁。乔恩就是这样的人。”
Nope. That's the kind of guy you are. You're there to say nice things about your friend or relative, so do just that. Your dead aunt wasn't special because she was the inspiration for your still-available-on-Amazon novel about an English professor at Smith. We all crave praise and more sales, but this isn't the time or place -- wait until you get married or die, and then maybe someone will deliver a nice, selfless toast about you.
2. Keep it short. Unless you're Louis C.K., people don't want to hear you talk a lot. What's the one thing they actually want from you? More time to go play Candy Crush.
2. 保持短小精悍。除非你是喜剧演员路易斯?C?K(Louis C.K.),否则没人想听你长篇大论。听众真正想让你做的是什么呢?是让他们有更多时间玩糖果粉碎传奇(Candy Crush)。
Three minutes is the perfect toast length, and since you're not allowed to talk about yourself, how much is there really to say, right? The moment you go over five minutes, the interior monologue of every guest at the party is, 'Please shut up, please shut up . . .' Give people the gift of surprise and delight by finishing up fast.
3. Embarrassing isn't the same as funny. An embarrassing story is like nitroglycerin -- you might get it to the Nazi bridge in time, but it's more likely you'll blow up your own Jeep instead.
3. 别把难堪当有趣。让人难堪的故事就像硝化甘油──你也许能及时把它放到纳粹(Nazi)的桥上,但可能性更大的是你炸掉了自己的吉普车。
The problem is the audience's lack of context. They weren't there with you, or as drunk as you, when Rajiv threw the stuffed tomato and knocked the dean off her bike. Also, the embarrassing story is often the only thing that everyone remembers from the event. Fifty years from now, people won't recall a word that the minister said at the wedding. What they will have embedded in their minds is the image you painted of Jennifer relieving herself in Casey's aquarium.
Yes, you feel pressed to be funny, but the humiliating story doesn't have much of an upside. And the downside? Waking up in a cold sweat for the rest of your life. Go with short and heartfelt instead.
4. Pick one story, maybe two. Toasters often ramble from one anecdote to the next, turning their speech into a trail mix of stories, frustrating listeners desperate to find an M&M. Choose a single theme about your subject -- Shannon looks like the Mona Lisa; Bob would have made a great trapped Chilean miner -- and pick a story or two that let you say something amusing or sweet to slam that theme through the hoop.
4. 选择一个故事,两个也可以。致祝酒辞的人常常会从一则轶事扯到另一则轶事,把致辞变成了故事大杂烩,使急着想找颗M&M巧克力豆来吃的听众沮丧不已。请为你的致辞选择一个单一主题──比如,香农(Shannon)长得像蒙娜?丽莎(Mona Lisa);鲍勃(Bob)本来有望成为被困井下的伟大智利矿工)──然后选择一两个合适的故事,使你能用有趣或温馨的话来把你的主题讲透。
5. Write and rehearse. Don't even think about winging it. Write your toast down, then print it on note cards, because when you pull out big sheets of paper people's hearts sink. Practice the toast out loud at least five times in front of your cat (dogs are too easy an audience). You can memorize the speech, but bring your cards anyway -- it's easy to go blank in front of friends whose pensions you put into Enron stock in 1999.
5. 写下来并事先演练。即兴发挥?想都不要去想。把你的祝酒辞写下来,然后打印在记事卡上,因为如果你拿出大张大张的纸,人们的心情立马就会沉重。当着你的猫(让狗做听众太简单了)的面至少大声演练五遍。你可以把演讲辞背下来,但还是要带上记事卡──要是你在1999年把朋友的养老金投进了安然公司(Enron)的股票,现在你面对他们的时候,大脑会很容易变成一片空白。
Twain reported that his toast was a hit -- it 'shook [Grant] up like dynamite.' No pressure, but I'll be tracking your toast's success on YouTube.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sink [siŋk]


n. 接收端,沟渠,污水槽,散热器
vi. 下

desperate ['despərit]


adj. 绝望的,不顾一切的

embedded [im'bedid]


adj. 植入的,内含的,深入的 v. 埋入,植入,深入

entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ]


adj. 有趣的,引人发笑的

monologue ['mɔnəlɔg]


n. 独白,长篇大论,独角戏

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

grant [grɑ:nt]


n. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予
n. 财产

prone [prəun]


adj. 俯卧的,易于 ... 的,有 ... 倾向的


关键字: 双语 祝酒辞 网络 视频




