For most Americans, Friday's 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination is a time to look back on one of the most turbulent days in the nation's history.
But for people who were entangled in the events of Nov. 22, 1963, like the co-worker who drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work that morning, or the family of the man behind the power Zapruder film that captured the shooting, it has defined their lives.
有一些人深陷事件之中,对于他们而言,1963年11月22日意味着人生的彻底转变。在他们当中,有在那天开车送李?哈维?奥斯瓦德(Lee Harvey Oswald)上班的同事,还有全面展现案件过程的泽普鲁德影片背后的拍摄者。
That day also has remained a constant for people who became obsessed with the enduring mystery of what led to Kennedy's murder, including a former conspiracy theorist who is now curator of the mainstream museum commemorating the shooting, much to the chagrin of his old colleagues.
Here are their stories:
Buell Wesley Frazier : After Driving Oswald, 'I Was So Scared'
比尔?韦斯利?弗雷泽(Buell Wesley Frazier):那件事之后,我害怕极了
Fifty years ago, a teenaged Buell Wesley Frazier gave a colleague a ride to work, a courtesy that changed his life forever.
His co-worker at the Texas School Book Depository was Lee Harvey Oswald. The Warren Commission later concluded that the package Mr. Oswald placed on the backseat of Mr. Frazier's Chevrolet Bel Air that morning didn't contain curtain rods, as he had claimed, but the rifle he used to kill President John F. Kennedy.
弗雷泽在德克萨斯州教科书仓库(Texas School Book Depository)工作,他的同事便是奥斯瓦德。根据华伦委员会(Warren Commission)的判定,奥斯瓦德那天早上将用来射杀肯尼迪的步枪放入一个包中,向弗雷泽谎称包里是窗 杆,并把包放在了弗雷泽的雪佛兰(Chevrolet) Bel Air轿车的后座上。
'It's still hard to believe that something like this happened and I got swept up in it,' said Mr. Frazier, now 69 years old. 'I just wish it had never happened to me.'
Many Americans alive when Mr. Kennedy was shot have said they lost some of their innocence that day. But for Mr. Frazier, the loss was deeply personal.
He remembers watching from a window as the presidential motorcade passed the book warehouse, thinking that Jacqueline Kennedy 'looked as good as the pictures in Life magazine.'
他记得当总统车队经过书库的时候,他透过窗户看到杰奎琳?肯尼迪(Jacqueline Kennedy),心想她可真是和《生活》(Life)杂志里看起来一样漂亮。
He remembers seeing Mr. Oswald, an acquaintance whom he knew only as Lee, walking away from the building in the chaos that followed the shooting and fading into the crowd.
He remembers being pushed up against a wall later that evening by Dallas police, who interrogated him for hours about Mr. Oswald, then asked him to sign a typed statement confessing to being an accomplice to the assassination. He refused and was released.
He remembers the fear he felt when he watched Mr. Oswald be shot to death on live television by Dallas nightclub operator Jack Ruby that Sunday, how he wondered whether he was somehow in danger.
随后,奥斯瓦德在被移交监狱的过程中被达拉斯夜店经营者杰克?鲁比(Jack Ruby)枪杀,这一过程经电视全程直播。弗雷泽记得当他看到这一事件时,心里是多么害怕自己也会出事。
'This was all bigger than I could imagine. And I was so scared,' he said.
Mr. Frazier went on with life, but says he was a changed man. He blames the shooting for his subsequent career frustrations, but concedes he hasn't always been easy to like. 'I have a hard time trusting people,' he said. He works part-time as a driver for an auto-body shop in the Dallas area, and like many Americans, continues to have questions about Nov. 22, 1963.
Mr. Oswald lived in a Dallas boarding house during the week and asked Mr. Frazier for rides on weekends to visit his wife, Marina, who lived near Mr. Frazier in Irving, Texas. This time, however, Mr. Oswald had asked for a lift to Irving on a Thursday, and showed up to get a ride back to work Friday morning carrying what he said were curtain rods-a claim Mr. Frazier has trouble believing wasn't true.
奥斯瓦德工作日寄宿在达拉斯的一家旅馆里,妻子玛丽娜(Marina)住在德克萨斯州的欧文市,离弗雷泽很近。一到周末他就会请弗雷泽开车载他去见妻子。然而那个周四,奥斯瓦德搭他的车去了欧文市,并在周五的早上又与他一起回去上班。他告诉弗雷泽手上的包里装的是窗 杆,这让弗雷泽很难起什么疑心。
Ruth Paine, the woman with whom Mr. Oswald's wife lived at the time, long ago concluded that the official account of the assassination made sense: Mr. Oswald was capable of murder, she said, and all evidence pointed to him acting alone.
露丝?佩因(Ruth Paine)当时与奥斯瓦德的妻子住在一起,她很早就认同了官方对谋杀案的解释,她说:奥斯瓦德绝对干得出杀人的事来,而且所有证据都说明他没有共犯。
Ms. Paine, now 81 and living in California, believes Mr. Frazier may not be able to emotionally digest what the Warren Commission concluded Mr. Oswald had transported in Mr. Frazier's car that day.
'I am really sorry Buell is in that form of denial,' said Ms. Paine, a retired school psychologist, whose old home was restored by Irving and reopened as a museum this month. 'I have tried to run away from talking about this all my life, but I have also tried to accept the facts.'
Mr. Frazier remains adamant that Mr. Oswald couldn't have killed the president by himself. It is a view shared by many Americans, who feel that multiple people must have plotted the assassination, according to opinion polls, including one by the Associated Press this month that found 59% believed in a conspiracy.
弗雷泽却坚信奥斯瓦德不可能凭一己之力杀害总统。根据美联社(Associated Press)本月的调查,有59%的美国人也都持此观点,认为肯定是多人共同策划了这起谋杀。
'I'd like for the American people someday to know the truth,' Mr. Frazier said. He acknowledges that he isn't quite sure what that is.