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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第32章Part 3

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The Captain, with an abashed and guilty air, immediately walked on tiptoe to the little parlour and locked himself in. Rob, opening the door, would have parleyed with the visitor on the threshold if the visitor had come in female guise; but the figure being of the male sex, and Rob's orders only applying to women, Rob held the door open and allowed it to enter: which it did very quickly, glad to get out of the driving rain.

'A job for Burgess and Co. at any rate,' said the visitor, looking over his shoulder compassionately at his own legs, which were very wet and covered with splashes. 'Oh, how-de-do, Mr Gills?'“伯吉斯公司又有活好干了,”来访的人说道,一边怜惜地回过头看看他的裤子;裤子被淋得很湿,溅满了污泥,”啊,吉尔斯先生,您好吗?”
The salutation was addressed to the Captain, now emerging from the back parlour with a most transparent and utterly futile affectation of coming out by accidence.这问候的话是对着船长说的;船长这时从后客厅中走出来,极为明显和不熟练地假装成偶尔来到这里似的。
'Thankee,' the gentleman went on to say in the same breath; 'I'm very well indeed, myself, I'm much obliged to you. My name is Toots, - Mister Toots.'“谢谢您,”那位先生没有停顿,一口气往下说道,”我自己确实很好,我很感谢您。我姓图茨,--图茨先生。”
The Captain remembered to have seen this young gentleman at the wedding, and made him a bow. Mr Toots replied with a chuckle; and being embarrassed, as he generally was, breathed hard, shook hands with the Captain for a long time, and then falling on Rob the Grinder, in the absence of any other resource, shook hands with him in a most affectionate and cordial manner.船长记得在婚礼中看见过这位年轻人,就向他鞠了个躬。图茨先生吃吃地笑了一下,作为回答;然后,由于局促不安(就跟他通常的情况一样),就急促地喘气,和船长长时间地握手;然后,因为想不出别的主意,他转向磨工罗布,极为亲切和热诚地跟他握手。
'I say! I should like to speak a word to you, Mr Gills, if you please,' said Toots at length, with surprising presence of mind. 'I say! Miss D.O.M. you know!'“是这样的,如果您同意的话,我想跟您说一句话,吉尔斯先生,”图茨先生终于令人惊奇地镇静下来,说道,”是这样的!董贝小姐--您知道!”
The Captain, with responsive gravity and mystery, immediately waved his hook towards the little parlour, whither Mr Toots followed him.船长用同样庄重与神秘的神态,立刻把他的钩子朝小客厅挥了一下,图茨先生就跟随着他走到那里。
'Oh! I beg your pardon though,' said Mr Toots, looking up In the Captain's face as he sat down in a chair by the fire, which the Captain placed for him; 'you don't happen to know the Chicken at all; do you, Mr Gills?'“啊,我请您原谅,”图茨先生坐在船长替他放在炉边的椅子中,仰望着船长的脸孔,说道,”您也许不知道鸡吧,是不是,吉尔斯先生?”
'The Chicken?' said the Captain.“鸡?”船长问道。
'The Game Chicken,' said Mr Toots.“斗鸡,”图茨先生说道。

The Captain, with an abashed and guilty air, immediately walked on tiptoe to the little parlour and locked himself in. Rob, opening the door, would have parleyed with the visitor on the threshold if the visitor had come in female guise; but the figure being of the male sex, and Rob's orders only applying to women, Rob held the door open and allowed it to enter: which it did very quickly, glad to get out of the driving rain.
'A job for Burgess and Co. at any rate,' said the visitor, looking over his shoulder compassionately at his own legs, which were very wet and covered with splashes. 'Oh, how-de-do, Mr Gills?'
The salutation was addressed to the Captain, now emerging from the back parlour with a most transparent and utterly futile affectation of coming out by accidence.
'Thankee,' the gentleman went on to say in the same breath; 'I'm very well indeed, myself, I'm much obliged to you. My name is Toots, - Mister Toots.'
The Captain remembered to have seen this young gentleman at the wedding, and made him a bow. Mr Toots replied with a chuckle; and being embarrassed, as he generally was, breathed hard, shook hands with the Captain for a long time, and then falling on Rob the Grinder, in the absence of any other resource, shook hands with him in a most affectionate and cordial manner.
'I say! I should like to speak a word to you, Mr Gills, if you please,' said Toots at length, with surprising presence of mind. 'I say! Miss D.O.M. you know!'
The Captain, with responsive gravity and mystery, immediately waved his hook towards the little parlour, whither Mr Toots followed him.
'Oh! I beg your pardon though,' said Mr Toots, looking up In the Captain's face as he sat down in a chair by the fire, which the Captain placed for him; 'you don't happen to know the Chicken at all; do you, Mr Gills?'
'The Chicken?' said the Captain.
'The Game Chicken,' said Mr Toots.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装

pardon ['pɑ:dn]


n. 原谅,赦免
vt. 宽恕,原谅

guilty ['gilti]


adj. 有罪的,内疚的

salutation [.sælju'teiʃən]


n. 招呼,致敬,问候 n. (信函开头)称呼语

gravity ['græviti]


n. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃

responsive [ri'spɔnsiv]


adj. 回答的,应答的,易感应的

affectation [.æfek'teiʃn]


n. 假装,虚饰,做作

mystery ['mistəri]


n. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物

chuckle ['tʃʌkl]


v. 轻声笑,咯咯笑,暗自笑 n. 轻声笑,咯咯笑

affectionate [ə'fekʃənit]


adj. 情深的,充满情爱的





