2. Use your vacation days. Companies want enthusiastic employees, so take advantage of your benefits package and schedule a vacation early in the year. With a trip to look forward to, you'll find yourself energized and more satisfied with your workplace. After your break, you'll return to the office with a calmer spirit and the drive to do better — especially since greater success usually means extra days off.
2. 使用休假日。公司希望有热情的员工,所以好好利用福利制度,一年里尽早计划休假。有可以期盼的假期,你会发现自己充满活力,对工作场所也会更满意。在休假过后,你会以更平和的心态回到办公室,也更有动力做得更好,做得更好通常意味着享有额外的假期。
n. 松弛的部分,松散,淡季,中止