Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! It might seem like something out of Oz, but this is the normal state of affairs for Baloo (a bear), Leo (a lion) and Shere Khan (a tiger) living together in Noah’s Ark, a Georgia animal rescue facility. Raised together by drug dealers who abused them, the animals formed a little family. When workers tried to separate them, they acted out until they were reunited.
将狮子、老虎、熊共处一室?天啊!肯定疯了吧 。然而,在格鲁吉亚的动物救助站,这是很寻常的一幕:狮子Leo、熊Baloo和老虎Shere Khan舅住在一起 。三个庞然大物在毒贩手里死里逃生以后,这三个家伙成为了一家人 。工作人员最初是把他们分开的,但他们用行动表示不愿意分离,只好随了他们的意,将他们安排住在了一起 。
v. 保存,保留,维护
n. 蜜饯,禁猎区