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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第28章Part 4

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Doctor and Mrs Blimber, accompanied (much against his will) by their valued charge, Master Barnet, were already gone back to Brighton, where that young gentleman and his fellow-pilgrims to Parnassus were then, no doubt, in the continual resumption of their studies. The holiday time was past and over; most of the juvenile guests at the villa had taken their departure; and Florence's long visit was come to an end.

There was one guest, however, albeit not resident within the house, who had been very constant in his attentions to the family, and who still remained devoted to them. This was Mr Toots, who after renewing, some weeks ago, the acquaintance he had had the happiness of forming with Skettles Junior, on the night when he burst the Blimberian bonds and soared into freedom with his ring on, called regularly every other day, and left a perfect pack of cards at the hall-door; so many indeed, that the ceremony was quite a deal on the part of Mr Toots, and a hand at whist on the part of the servant.不过,有一位客人虽然没有居住在巴尼特爵士的家里,但却始终如一地对这家人表示关切,并仍和过去一样对他们忠心耿耿。这就是图茨先生。他在挣脱布林伯枷锁,并戴着戒指高飞进自由王国的那一天晚上,有幸认识了小斯克特尔斯;他在几个星期以前重叙了这一交情之后,每隔一天就准时前来看望一次,并在门厅的门口留下一大堆名片;名片的数量实在多极了,因此这个表示礼仪的方式使人想起了惠斯特牌①,图茨先生像是在配牌,仆人则像是个玩牌的对手。
Mr Toots, likewise, with the bold and happy idea of preventing the family from forgetting him (but there is reason to suppose that this expedient originated in the teeming brain of the Chicken), had established a six-oared cutter, manned by aquatic friends of the Chicken's and steered by that illustrious character in person, who wore a bright red fireman's coat for the purpose, and concealed the perpetual black eye with which he was afflicted, beneath a green shade. Previous to the institution of this equipage, Mr Toots sounded the Chicken on a hypothetical case, as, supposing the Chicken to be enamoured of a young lady named Mary, and to have conceived the intention of starting a boat of his own, what would he call that boat? The Chicken replied, with divers strong asseverations, that he would either christen it Poll or The Chicken's Delight. Improving on this idea, Mr Toots, after deep study and the exercise of much invention, resolved to call his boat The Toots's Joy, as a delicate compliment to Florence,图茨先生为了使这家人不会忘记他,还采用了一个大胆的、巧妙的主意(不过,有理由设想,这个办法是从斗鸡足智多谋的脑袋中产生的):他购置了一条六个桨的单桅帆船;斗鸡的水上运动的朋友们充任船员,那位杰出的英雄亲自把舵;他为了这个目的穿了一件鲜红的消防队员的短外衣,并用绿色的遮阳掩盖眼睛周围永久性的青紫斑;在给这条船装备用品之前,图茨先生曾试探斗鸡对这样一个假想的情况的意见:假定斗鸡迷恋上一位名叫玛丽的姑娘,心里正打算自己弄一条船,那么他将把那条船取个什么名字呢?斗鸡斩钉截铁、发誓赌咒地回答说,他将把它命名为“波尔”②或“斗鸡的喜悦”。图茨先生把这个想法加以改进,在深深思索并充分发挥创造才能之后,决定把他的单桅帆船称为“图茨的欢乐”——这是对弗洛伦斯的巧妙颂辞,凡是知道他们的人没有一个不对它表示赞许的。
of which no man knowing the parties, could possibly miss the appreciation.图茨先生躺在他的华丽的帆船中的一个深红色的靠垫上,脚跷在空中,在执行他的计划的过程中,一天又一天,一星期又一星期,向上游划来,在巴尼特爵士花园附近来来去去;他命令他的船员们一次又一次沿着锐角方向穿过河流,以便从巴尼特爵士窗口往外看的人们可以更好地看到他;他还让“图茨的欢乐”进行各种演习,使河岸附近的居民看得目瞪口呆。可是每当他看到巴尼特爵士花园里的什么人待在河边的时候,图茨先生总是假装成由于一些情况的巧合而划过那里,这种巧合是非常离奇古怪和不大可能发生的。
Stretched on a crimson cushion in his gallant bark, with his shoes in the air, Mr Toots, in the exercise of his project, had come up the river, day after day, and week after week, and had flitted to and fro, near Sir Barnet's garden, and had caused his crew to cut across and across the river at sharp angles, for his better exhibition to any lookers-out from Sir Barnet's windows, and had had such evolutions performed by the Toots's Joy as had filled all the neighbouring part of the water-side with astonishment. But whenever he saw anyone in Sir Barnet's garden on the brink of the river, Mr Toots always feigned to be passing there, by a combination of coincidences of the most singular and unlikely description.“您好吗,图茨?”巴尼特爵士会从草坪上向他挥着手,说道。这时机灵的斗鸡就直向岸边划去。
'How are you, Toots?' Sir Barnet would say, waving his hand from the lawn, while the artful Chicken steered close in shore.“您好,巴尼特爵士!”图茨先生回答道,“多么令人惊奇的事呀,我会在这里遇见您!”
'How de do, Sir Barnet?' Mr Toots would answer, What a surprising thing that I should see you here!'图茨先生以他特有的聪明,经常这样说,仿佛这里不是巴尼特爵士的住宅,而是尼罗河或恒河上的一座什么荒废的大厦似的。
Mr Toots, in his sagacity, always said this, as if, instead of that being Sir Barnet's house, it were some deserted edifice on the banks of the Nile, or Ganges.“我从没感到这么惊奇的!”图茨先生会惊叫道,“董贝小姐在这里吗?”
'I never was so surprised!' Mr Toots would exclaim. - 'Is Miss Dombey there?'也许弗洛伦斯随后就会到这里来。
Whereupon Florence would appear, perhaps.

Doctor and Mrs Blimber, accompanied (much against his will) by their valued charge, Master Barnet, were already gone back to Brighton, where that young gentleman and his fellow-pilgrims to Parnassus were then, no doubt, in the continual resumption of their studies. The holiday time was past and over; most of the juvenile guests at the villa had taken their departure; and Florence's long visit was come to an end.
There was one guest, however, albeit not resident within the house, who had been very constant in his attentions to the family, and who still remained devoted to them. This was Mr Toots, who after renewing, some weeks ago, the acquaintance he had had the happiness of forming with Skettles Junior, on the night when he burst the Blimberian bonds and soared into freedom with his ring on, called regularly every other day, and left a perfect pack of cards at the hall-door; so many indeed, that the ceremony was quite a deal on the part of Mr Toots, and a hand at whist on the part of the servant.
Mr Toots, likewise, with the bold and happy idea of preventing the family from forgetting him (but there is reason to suppose that this expedient originated in the teeming brain of the Chicken), had established a six-oared cutter, manned by aquatic friends of the Chicken's and steered by that illustrious character in person, who wore a bright red fireman's coat for the purpose, and concealed the perpetual black eye with which he was afflicted, beneath a green shade. Previous to the institution of this equipage, Mr Toots sounded the Chicken on a hypothetical case, as, supposing the Chicken to be enamoured of a young lady named Mary, and to have conceived the intention of starting a boat of his own, what would he call that boat? The Chicken replied, with divers strong asseverations, that he would either christen it Poll or The Chicken's Delight. Improving on this idea, Mr Toots, after deep study and the exercise of much invention, resolved to call his boat The Toots's Joy, as a delicate compliment to Florence,
of which no man knowing the parties, could possibly miss the appreciation.
Stretched on a crimson cushion in his gallant bark, with his shoes in the air, Mr Toots, in the exercise of his project, had come up the river, day after day, and week after week, and had flitted to and fro, near Sir Barnet's garden, and had caused his crew to cut across and across the river at sharp angles, for his better exhibition to any lookers-out from Sir Barnet's windows, and had had such evolutions performed by the Toots's Joy as had filled all the neighbouring part of the water-side with astonishment. But whenever he saw anyone in Sir Barnet's garden on the brink of the river, Mr Toots always feigned to be passing there, by a combination of coincidences of the most singular and unlikely description.
'How are you, Toots?' Sir Barnet would say, waving his hand from the lawn, while the artful Chicken steered close in shore.
'How de do, Sir Barnet?' Mr Toots would answer, What a surprising thing that I should see you here!'
Mr Toots, in his sagacity, always said this, as if, instead of that being Sir Barnet's house, it were some deserted edifice on the banks of the Nile, or Ganges.
'I never was so surprised!' Mr Toots would exclaim. - 'Is Miss Dombey there?'
Whereupon Florence would appear, perhaps.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
poll [pəul]


n. 投票,民意测验,民意,票数
v. 做民意

sagacity [sə'gæsiti]


n. 精明,敏锐,有远见

expedient [iks'pi:diənt]


adj. 权宜的,有用的 n. 权宜之计,临时手段

intention [in'tenʃən]


n. 意图,意向,目的

established [is'tæbliʃt]


adj. 已被确认的,确定的,建立的,制定的 动词est

deserted [di'zə:tid]


adj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的 动词desert的过

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

bark [bɑ:k]


v. (狗)吠,咆哮
n. 狗吠,咆哮

feigned [feind]


adj. 假装的,不真诚的 动词feign的过去式和过去

acquaintance [ə'kweintəns]


n. 熟人,相识,了解





