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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第27章Part 15

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

'You know he has bought me,' she resumed. 'Or that he will, to-morrow. He has considered of his bargain; he has shown it to his friend; he is even rather proud of it; he thinks that it will suit him, and may be had sufficiently cheap; and he will buy to-morrow. God, that I have lived for this, and that I feel it!'

Compress into one handsome face the conscious self-abasement, and the burning indignation of a hundred women, strong in passion and in pride; and there it hid itself with two white shuddering arms.有意识的自卑自贱,一百个极为激动与高傲的女人的炽烈的愤怒,全都凝集在一张美丽的脸孔中;这张脸孔掩藏在两只雪白的胳膊中。
'What do you mean?' returned the angry mother. 'Haven't you from a child - '“你是什么意思?”发怒的母亲回答道,“难道你不是从小就——”
'A child!' said Edith, looking at her, 'when was I a child? What childhood did you ever leave to me? I was a woman - artful, designing, mercenary, laying snares for men - before I knew myself, or you, or even understood the base and wretched aim of every new display I learnt You gave birth to a woman. Look upon her. She is in her pride tonight'“从小!”伊迪丝看着她,说道,“当我是个孩子的时候?你让我度过了什么样的童年?在我认识我自己或认识你之前,甚至在我明白我每新学会一种炫示自己的手段所包藏的卑鄙与邪恶的目的之前,我早已成了个女人,狡猾,奸诈,唯利是图,设下圈套去引诱男人。你生下的就是个女人。你看看她吧,今晚正是她最得意的时候。”
And as she spoke, she struck her hand upon her beautiful bosom, as though she would have beaten down herself.她一边说,一边用手敲打着自己美丽的胸脯,仿佛她想要把自己打倒似的。

'Look at me,' she said, 'who have never known what it is to have an honest heart, and love. Look at me, taught to scheme and plot when children play; and married in my youth - an old age of design - to one for whom I had no feeling but indifference. Look at me, whom he left a widow, dying before his inheritance descended to him - a judgment on you! well deserved! - and tell me what has been my life for ten years since.'


'We have been making every effort to endeavour to secure to you a good establishment,' rejoined her mother. 'That has been your life. And now you have got it.'“我们一直来竭尽一切努力,设法使你得到一个好家庭,”她的母亲回答道,“这就是你一直来的生活。现在你已经得到它了。”
'There is no slave in a market: there is no horse in a fair: so shown and offered and examined and paraded, Mother, as I have been, for ten shameful years,' cried Edith, with a burning brow, and the same bitter emphasis on the one word. 'Is it not so? Have I been made the bye-word of all kinds of men? Have fools, have profligates, have boys, have dotards, dangled after me, and one by one rejected me, and fallen off, because you were too plain with all your cunning: yes, and too true, with all those false pretences: until we have almost come to be notorious? The licence of look and touch,' she said, with flashing eyes, 'have I submitted to it, in half the places of resort upon the map of England? Have I been hawked and vended here and there, until the last grain of self-respect is dead within me, and I loathe myself? Has been my late childhood? I had none before. Do not tell me that I had, tonight of all nights in my life!'“市场上没有一个奴隶,市集上没有一匹马曾经像我在这可耻的十年中这样被展出,被开价,被细细观察和被夸耀的,妈妈!”伊迪丝满脸怒火地喊道,她用同样讥讽的语气说出了那两个字,“难道不是这样吗?难道我没有成为各种男子的笑柄吗?难道傻瓜、色鬼、小伙子、老头子不都曾来纠缠过我,又都一个个地抛弃我和离开我了吗?因为你尽管狡猾,但却太露骨了;是的,你尽管有那些虚伪的口实,但你的真情实意是太清楚了,所以后来我们几乎声名狼藉了,“她眼中闪着怨愤的光芒,说道,“难道我不曾逆来顺受,容许在英国地图上一半的游乐场所被观看和触摸吗?难道我不曾在这里、那里被么喝和出卖,直到我失去最后一点自尊心并厌恶我自己为止吗?难道这就是我最近的童年吗?我以前不曾有过童年,无论如何也别在今晚对我说,我有过童年。”

'You know he has bought me,' she resumed. 'Or that he will, to-morrow. He has considered of his bargain; he has shown it to his friend; he is even rather proud of it; he thinks that it will suit him, and may be had sufficiently cheap; and he will buy to-morrow. God, that I have lived for this, and that I feel it!'
Compress into one handsome face the conscious self-abasement, and the burning indignation of a hundred women, strong in passion and in pride; and there it hid itself with two white shuddering arms.
'What do you mean?' returned the angry mother. 'Haven't you from a child - '
'A child!' said Edith, looking at her, 'when was I a child? What childhood did you ever leave to me? I was a woman - artful, designing, mercenary, laying snares for men - before I knew myself, or you, or even understood the base and wretched aim of every new display I learnt You gave birth to a woman. Look upon her. She is in her pride tonight'
And as she spoke, she struck her hand upon her beautiful bosom, as though she would have beaten down herself.

'Look at me,' she said, 'who have never known what it is to have an honest heart, and love. Look at me, taught to scheme and plot when children play; and married in my youth - an old age of design - to one for whom I had no feeling but indifference. Look at me, whom he left a widow, dying before his inheritance descended to him - a judgment on you! well deserved! - and tell me what has been my life for ten years since.'
'We have been making every effort to endeavour to secure to you a good establishment,' rejoined her mother. 'That has been your life. And now you have got it.'
'There is no slave in a market: there is no horse in a fair: so shown and offered and examined and paraded, Mother, as I have been, for ten shameful years,' cried Edith, with a burning brow, and the same bitter emphasis on the one word. 'Is it not so? Have I been made the bye-word of all kinds of men? Have fools, have profligates, have boys, have dotards, dangled after me, and one by one rejected me, and fallen off, because you were too plain with all your cunning: yes, and too true, with all those false pretences: until we have almost come to be notorious? The licence of look and touch,' she said, with flashing eyes, 'have I submitted to it, in half the places of resort upon the map of England? Have I been hawked and vended here and there, until the last grain of self-respect is dead within me, and I loathe myself? Has been my late childhood? I had none before. Do not tell me that I had, tonight of all nights in my life!'



重点单词   查看全部解释    
pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心

indignation [.indig'neiʃən]


n. 愤怒,愤慨,义愤

judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt]


n. 裁判,宣告,该判决书

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

resort [ri'zɔ:t]


n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,

plot [plɔt]


n. 阴谋,情节,图,(小块)土地,
v. 绘

conscious ['kɔnʃəs]


adj. 神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的

emphasis ['emfəsis]


n. 强调,重点

compress [kəm'pres]


vt. 压缩,压榨
n. [医]敷布





